III Work conditions improved markedly in the days that followed. Both for Fernando personally and for the job site in general. “Finally getting things in again,” Chico said, checking over the latest shipment of construction materials delivered. “I don’t know what lit a fire under the jefe’s ass all of a sudden, but now that
Tag: original fiction
Bane of Blood: La Gorgona, Part 23
Fernando shook his head. He turned aside. More even than anger, Fernando felt disgust for the man. For any so-called man who conducted himself in such a fashion as this. Who’d dug himself in so deep with his gross missteps that he could no longer crawl back out on his own strength. Who instead must
New Erotic Mini-Series Launching on Patreon! (& More)
Hey y’all – in the spirit of posting regular updates on my original fiction projects, just wanted to announce that I’ve begun publishing my 10th original short story as a mini-series on Patreon! It’s my first published piece of historical erotica & takes place in Ancient Greece 😉 New chapters will be posted weekly. This
Bane of Blood: La Gorgona, Part 22
Collecting his paycheck from the jefe was a prospect Fernando distinctly dreaded. It necessitated venturing into Alfonso’s sweltering hot trailer of a lair to be hopelessly ensnared in long-winded tales of false bravado. If not outright lies, these were at best no tales of his own. The jefe had a highly romantic opinion of himself,
Bane of Blood: La Gorgona, Part 21
For the most part, Fernando liked his job at the construction site. He got to work with his hands, which was a refreshing change to him, and his work crew was his crew of friends. The only drawback to the gig was his employer. Alfonso the jefe liked Fernando, it was true. Fernando found himself
Bane of Blood: La Gorgona, Part 20
Fernando and the others spent the rest of the day herding goats. This was both easier and more difficult than Fernando had anticipated. He’d constructed the pen in what he considered to be the optimal location based on the geography of the landscape and his observation of the goats’ grazing habits. It was a place
Bane of Blood: La Gorgona, Part 19
With the five of them working together on it, Fernando and his friends got the goat pen built in what seemed like no time—fencing, lean-to, water troughs and all. Fernando hadn’t recruited Chico and the others to the task, just as he hadn’t recruited them to scrounge materials for him. When he’d said what he
Bane of Blood: La Gorgona, Part 18
Fernando spent his summer days working at the construction site. He spent his summer nights roving about town with Chico and his mongrel crew. Smoking hand-rolled cigarettes and drinking cheap booze. Playing soccer under the flickering lamplights. Getting themselves into and out of scrapes. It was a bit surreal, if Fernando paused to reflect on
Bane of Blood: La Gorgona, Part 17
A sudden hush fell over the clamoring crowd. Like a tide they receded before the advance of a man whom Fernando would have readily believed was half Neanderthal. His crude features sloped downward into a blunt, trollish scowl. The chair opposite Fernando groaned like it was dying as the man sat himself down on it.
The Wolf: Part 1 (Teaser, Explicit)
When Allie stumbled upon the wolf in the moonlit clearing—chomping on the carcass of a beautiful doe she’d been watching from the deck—her heart slammed into her throat. The flashlight quivered in her bloodless hand. For a second as she was walking up, she thought she’d seen something else crouched over the deer—something her mind