SessKag Series: Control, Part 195

This entry is part 195 of 227 in the series Control [Complete]

“No,” Kagome shot back. “Why should I expect to be intruded upon at all?” Hirokin smiled. Leaving the window, he paused beside a lacquered table. Servants had already laid out Kagome’s dinner there, in anticipation of her return. Picking up one of the delicately-prepared morsels, Hirokin eyed it for a moment, before dropping it back

SessKag Series: Control, Part 193

This entry is part 193 of 227 in the series Control [Complete]

The sprawl of the outlying township had grown. It seemed quite prosperous here, and Kagome was glad. She strolled through the markets and streets, unrecognized and unremarked upon. It was a bustling place, so the presence of strangers passing through wasn’t an uncommon thing, she supposed. A monk at the temple balked at Ikiryou. But

SessKag Series: Control, Part 189

This entry is part 189 of 227 in the series Control [Complete]

Untouched by Sesshoumaru’s corrosion, the flooring at Kagome’s feet gleamed, a little island of beauty in the desolation that surrounded her. More than half of the tower had been melted away. What remained was a pitiful, broken shell. But Kagome could only feel concern for herself. Sinking to her hands and knees, she hacked up