Originally posted on FF.net under my original penname Taney, Ghosts, which focuses on Theon Greyjoy post-Ramsay, is admittedly pretty effed up. Read at your own risk… Ghosts Theon, Jeyne, and the problem of existence. (Post ADWD) Crouched behind the blasted stump of a fir tree, the hunter waited still as stone. His breath rose before
Tag: game of thrones
Why I Don’t Ship Canon
People always say, “Never say never,” so I can’t say that I’m NEVER going to ship a canon couple. But as a general rule, I don’t ship them. Knowingly, at least. Sometimes the writers will surprise you. Maybe it’s my natural contrariness or perversity, but I tend to be drawn to character mash-ups (or smash-ups,