The Cove: Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 7 in the series The Cove [Complete]

As the minutes ticked by with no more sightings, Anika’s adrenaline rush began to subside. She was just thinking of giving up and turning back when she glimpsed it again—not just one glowing tendril, but several. Smoothly they coalesced into a banded length of shimmering blue, before vanishing altogether into the shadowy depths beyond. Anika

The Wolf: Part 1 (Teaser, Explicit)

This entry is part 1 of 7 in the series The Wolf [Complete]

When Allie stumbled upon the wolf in the moonlit clearing—chomping on the carcass of a beautiful doe she’d been watching from the deck—her heart slammed into her throat. The flashlight quivered in her bloodless hand. For a second as she was walking up, she thought she’d seen something else crouched over the deer—something her mind