Bane of Blood: La Gorgona, Part 53 (Explicit)

This entry is part 53 of 59 in the series La Gorgona [Ongoing]

Felicia craved direction. Whether this was her nature or simply the result of her circumstances was difficult to say, but Fernando suspected the latter. This made her uninteresting to him fairly quickly. There was always excitement with a new woman, the novelty of seeing them exposed for the first time. To Fernando this wasn’t necessarily

Bane of Blood: La Gorgona, Part 52 (Explicit)

This entry is part 52 of 59 in the series La Gorgona [Ongoing]

Fernando returned several times to the Hollywood house in Antigua. As Felicia had said, Mondragón was never there. With its grandiose stylings and furnishings, its garage of sportscars and motorcycles, its pools and palms and flamingos, its silent maids and sleek silver hounds, the place had the look and feel of a poor boy’s playground