The House of Mizuno was ever chill and dark. An island unto itself, even in this rocky, water-locked waste. Blasted relentlessly by the sea in storm, the great house clung to the crags forever creaking and straining, whether the weather was ill or not. Like an old man on gnarled legs, it shivered and groaned
Tag: control
Updates Underway
Hey guys! Well, as usual I’m behind on things. The family trip wiped me out, then work hit me like a sledgehammer upon my return, so I’ve been feeling like a zombie for the past few weeks, which makes posting rather difficult. Every day I’ve kept thinking, today will be the day I update! –
Control Side-Stories: The Number Four
Rin paced back and forth. Wringing her hands, she watched as the candle burned down by her bedside. Her eyes flitted anxiously to the open window. Sliced neatly by the slats of the shutters, the moon gleamed like a sliver of pale fruit further divided. She could lie down, force herself into a restless sleep.
Control Side-Stories: That Night, Part Four
Bloodless fingers grip the shakujou tighter still. “I cannot but wonder if Kagome-sama has repressed such memories. If the shock of it was too much, at the time, for her to bear.” It was a beacon, of sorts—this pale ensorcelled shell he had entreated his lord to bear upon him. How many years it had
Control Side-Stories: Expiation (Explicit)
Kagome had the itch again. ‘Itch’ was more of a euphemism, really. She had a compulsion, a part of her acknowledged. But the other part of her viciously denied it, and so an ‘itch’ it remained in her mind. A hankering, not a need. Only now she was starting to shake. It began as the
Control Side-Stories: The Gift
On the veranda where Hirokin sat, the soft light of a host of hovering paper lanterns muted the distant glow of the stars. It was a warm night for the season. The damp, sultry air was breathy with the portent of a coming storm. Long into the evening he and Sesshoumaru had conversed with one
Control Side-Stories: The Omen
Outside the Western Palace, Hirokin dismounted. For a few minutes, he stood with Ohana in the stream, stroking his nails over her gleaming scales. The dragon rumbled, turning a portion of her partially molted flank toward him. A little chagrined at the imposition, Hirokin complied nonetheless, and assisted her with shedding her sloughed-off skin. As
Control Chronology & Reading Guide (Completed 6/23/22)
Hey guys 🙂 With all the side-stories and time-jumping in the Control-verse, this has been on my to-do list for a while now, and I’m excited to share it with you all – the official Control chronology and reading guide! I’ve created a category for this on the Fanfiction page which links back to this