With another day left before Inuyasha would be expecting her back home in Edo, Kagome arranged to meet up with her old school friends, Eri and Yuka, who’d been thrilled to hear from her even after years of radio silence. Kagome feared that in her prolonged absence, they’d assumed the worst. But to her vast
Series: The Pact [Ongoing]
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 162
The man turned fully toward her, and now Kagome knew for sure. They both did. His cigarette dangled forgotten in his hand. “Kagome,” Mr. Higurashi said, stepping toward her slowly, as if in a dream. As if in a dream, Kagome pushed forward with Shin to meet him, and it was like wading through quicksand.
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 163
“Since I left,” Kagome’s father answered, at last. She nodded. “But I never betrayed your mother.” Kagome turned her face away. He stepped toward her. “That was why I left like I did,” he said, his voice torn. “Because when I fell in love with Reiko, there was no turning back. I thought I’d be
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 164
Mr. Higurashi held out his hands to her, beseeching. “Can I hold him?” Kagome wanted to say ‘no,’ but she couldn’t. Defeated, she held Shin out to him instead. Mr. Higurashi lifted her son easily out of her hands and smiled. Blue-eyed and human once more, Shin smiled back. “Jiijii,” he burbled, and Mr. Higurashi’s
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 165
“They say love at first sight is a myth,” Mr. Higurashi said, lowering his eyes briefly before raising them to Kagome’s again. “I still love your mother, Kagome. In a way, I always will. But when I saw Reiko…I don’t know how else to say it, but I knew. I knew at least, at that
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 166
Kagome returned home with Shin, to Sengoku Jidai. She’d barely stepped one foot across the threshold of the hut when Inuyasha caught her to him and hugged her tight. As he did, Kagome realized then how nervous he’d been—nervous that now that she was free to live in the Modern Era, she wouldn’t come back.
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 167
The days passed. Kagome ruminated on. For once, it wasn’t just Sesshoumaru and his absence she was dwelling on, but something deeper. Intangible to her, but no less vital, she sensed. She felt like she was probing at the edges of some great and formless question, waiting for an answer to take shape from the
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 168
It was as Kagome had thought. As Sango adjusted to being the mother of a newborn once more—and a single mother of one for the first time—Kagome helped out as much as she could around the house and with the kids. Inuyasha, too. While sweeping off the porch, Kagome smiled as she watched him romp
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 169
He was kneeling at Rin’s bedside when she entered, the same as when she’d left him. And the time before that, and the time before that… He was haggard and forlorn and quietly furious in a way Kagome had never seen before—had never imagined he could seem, for all his cold alien stoicism and adamant
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 170
Seven Years Later Kagome walked along the country road, humming a pretty little tune she’d picked up in the last village they’d visited. It was spring. The countryside was in full bloom, a patchwork of shining green grass, glowing blue water and rose-white sakura trees, shedding petals like spring snow in the breeze. Kagome breathed