A quick search on FF.net will reveal that, at nearly 16k fics and counting, SessKag is without question the most popular Inuyasha odd couple. There is even an entire website devoted to these two. But why. Why can we just not seem to get enough of this unlikely duo? After all, there are plenty of
Why I <3 Fanfiction (And Always Will)
Ours is a love affair that began when I was at the tender age of 13. Like any other relationship, we’ve gone through our ups and downs over the years. Not to carbon date myself, but we’re coming up on our 15th anniversary. …Holy shit, I am getting old. Moving on: The year was 2003.
AAAAAAAAAH! Finally. My first ever blog post! Jesus christ, I never thought I’d get here. Not because I’ve been procrastinating with getting this thing up and running (FOR ONCE, this has not been the case!!), but because of how goddamn MADDENING it has been to get my blog looking halfway decent with this WordPress themes