Back and forth, Kagome paced the small length of the hut. Her arms were crossed at her chest. Her nails burrowed in the soft cotton of her sleeves. Red coals smoldered in the dingy hearth. On the scrubbed surface of the room’s one spindly table, a lone candle glowed, casting a circle of muted light
If You Can Stomach It: Sango’s Bones
She died during the battle with Naraku. She pushed me aside and one of Naraku’s razor-sharp legs ran across her stomach and separated her top half from her bottom half. She was nineteen years old. I was thirteen.
Stasis Side-Stories: In Dreams
A torn battlefield. A rusted sword. A silent curse. Blood spills out over the filthy ground. A cruel black beak dips down to taste it. Hate chokes her heart, but her power is gone. She cries as he drags her away.
Stasis Chapter 33: the void
– 33 – .the void. She stands in a pall of darkness, her footsteps echoing with every step she takes. Where the Jewel has brought her, she cannot imagine. And yet it is here with her, too. In the twist and swell of the shadows that surround her, she feels its gloating presence. Why tarry,
Abaddon: The Soundtrack
I had a hell of a fun time writing Abaddon, though it was most definitely a challenge. The “prosetry” style alone is very demanding/unforgiving, but writing from Stasis!Sesshoumaru’s POV adds a whole additional layer of complexity. Personally, I think Sesshoumaru is a difficult character to portray in any fic–with him being a demon and all.
SessKag Series: The Secretary, Part 6 (Explicit)
She held his amber gaze for what felt like an eternity. But he didn’t waver. And neither did she. “Hai, Sesshoumaru-sama,” she answered at last. “I heard you.”
Stasis Side-Stories: Abaddon, Final Part (Explicit)
He makes a promise to himself. As the land fades behind a pall of mist, he takes up what remains of the Jewel of Four Souls. Dawn light streams along the dark facets, tinting them a bitter red. It is well he disposed of the other half. He remembers the way she looked at him
Mikasa x Levi Shorts: Survivors
She should not be here. She should be locked up in a cage somewhere, in some rich pervert’s basement, or long dead from a kidnapping attempt gone wrong. She should be a bloody smear on the pavement in Trost District. She should be dead like all the others who engaged the Female Titan in the