SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 1 (Explicit)

This entry is part 1 of 164 in the series The Pact [Ongoing]

They met in an abandoned hut, on the far side of Inuyasha’s forest. She had spent the majority of her morning cleaning up the place—sweeping and scrubbing, rebuilding the hearth, laying down fresh floor mats and bedding. By midday, the rundown shack was looking halfway-decent again. Normally, she would have felt a sense of accomplishment

Stasis Chapter 32: reunion

– 32 – .reunion. The ruby clatters to the floor. “Yashamaru,” she breathes. His smile falters as he steps toward her. “So,” he says, “you haven’t forgotten me.” Softly, she meets his beloved gaze. “How could I forget?” His lips find hers as he gathers her to him, and she feels herself transported back, to

SessKag Series: The Secretary, Part 5

This entry is part 5 of 11 in the series The Secretary [Hiatus]

Inuyasha was the first to recover his senses–in a manner of speaking. “Oi, Sesshoumaru,” he said tersely, “what the hell are you doing here?” Kagome grimaced. Kouga glared. Shrugging off the surly hanyou, he plastered on a hospitable smile and strolled toward the inu daiyoukai. “Well, well—if it isn’t Sesshoumaru,” he greeted amiably, straightening his tie.

Oldie But Goodie: How & Why

“I can only promise you pain,” he murmured, his eyes focused slightly lower than her own. “Isn’t that all anyone can?” Got the itch this past week to re-read one of my favorite Naruto fics from back in the day: randomsomeone‘s GaaSaku psychological romance fic How & Why. I know, I know–GaaSaku?? Kind of a crack

Stasis Chapter 31: the auction

– 31 – .the auction. At the end of the western world, she contemplates her choices. Crossing from the bed to the window, she buttons her blouse, gazing out at the restless sea. The water here is clear as glass—clear as her intentions. “You are leaving.” She glances toward him only for a moment. There

SessKag Series: The Secretary, Part 4

This entry is part 4 of 11 in the series The Secretary [Hiatus]

One wild car ride later, the three of them arrived at The Wolf’s Den—a multistory club in the heart of Tokyo’s youkai entertainment district. Even for a Friday night, the place was jam-packed, and it took a combination of Shippou’s credentials, Kagome’s blushing excuse-me’s, and Inuyasha’s cursing and shouting to get them through the crowd.