Kagome paced back and forth in the lofty central alcove of the castle, unable to rest while her son was turned to stone. Every other second, her eyes would flick to Shin in the small bed of furs where Sesshoumaru had placed him. The faint thunk he’d made on impact had reminded Kagome disconcertingly of
Bane of Blood: La Gorgona, Part 4
Whatever the kindly nun’s reservations about Fernando’s adoption, they were ultimately assuaged. If not by the evidence of him arriving with the family at Mass, well-groomed and well-fed and apparently well-satisfied with the arrangement, then surely by the generous offerings María Luisa made to the church. Fernando was, in fact, reasonably happy with his fortuitous
It’s 2024!
Happy New Year, y’all! Let’s rock the shit out of 2024 💕
Bane of Blood: La Gorgona, Part 3
“That is very generous of you, señora,” the young nun said haltingly. “Beyond generous, even. Pardon my impertinence, but wouldn’t it best for you to discuss this intention with Senator San Martín first, only to ensure that he is of the same mind? I’d be happy to return with Fernando tomorrow or at your earliest—”
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 127
Shin spent the rest of the afternoon zipping about the demonic countryside, phasing between forms so much that it threatened to give Kagome whiplash. Now and then, Sesshoumaru would share some anecdote of Shin’s with her that Kagome highly suspected had been paraphrased, or at least much had been lost in translation from beast-lingo to
The Pact Bonus Scene: The Lady in the Lake
It was the faintest sound, even to her keen hearing. Tinny like the chime of a bell, a bright and silvery crackling. A wintry sound. She left off from her lofty meditations upon her high and gilded throne. She descended the dais and swept off toward that lone far tower from which the bell-like sound
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 126
On his youki cloud, Sesshoumaru spirited Kagome and Shin away to the snowy mountain valley far below the castle. The dinosaur-sized snowflakes had stopped falling for the moment. Bundled up with Shin in Sesshoumaru’s dense fur, Kagome barely felt the winter chill. The air here was brisk but still. It smelled faintly of pine and
Bane of Blood: La Gorgona, Part 2
Fernando’s golden days with Carmencita were few and far between. Golden or not, his days with her were altogether numbered. He was eight years old when she died. Had she not been the type to leave him to his own devices for long stretches at a time, he might have worried at her being gone
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 125
The inside of the mountain tower was much changed from the last time Kagome had visited. Crossing the enchanted threshold with Shin in arms, she gaped at what she beheld— It was a winter wonderland, and nothing short of magical. There were still the silvery tiered cliffs and the moon-shaped pool. But instead of velvety
Bane of Blood: La Gorgona, Part 1
If much in the world were mystery the limits of that world were not, for it was without measure or bound and there were contained within it creatures more horrible yet and men of other colors and beings which no man has looked upon and yet not alien none of it more than were their