Why, Netflix, why…

🎃🎃HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!🎃🎃 ‘Tis the season, folks! 👻 I’ve already got a nasty hangover because I just couldn’t WAIT to get drunk off my ass, but I can’t tell you how stoked I am to drag myself to the grocery store tomorrow and load up on some discount candy! But, in the meantime, I’m afraid it’s gonna

Long weekend

Welp, I’m all outta steam, folks. 😞 To say this has been the week from hell would be an understatement… Very happy I still managed to put out some fic updates for y’all this week! Sorry they were on the short side, but thanks for bearing with me and hope y’all enjoyed! Absolutely love hearing

Mental holiday

Maaaan I’m gettin’ worked to the bone. Seriously it’s been a grind. There should be, like, laws against this. …Or maybe it’s the fact that I’ve been averaging about 4hrs of sleep a night for the past week or so. Who can say? I probably need to start hitting the booze again. 🙃 Aaanyway, I

Comments Issues

Hey guys! I know a couple of y’all at least have had some issues posting comments to the blog recently – especially from a mobile device. Just wanted to let y’all know that I’ve made some changes to the site so that comments can go through (Thanks so much Cheryl & VS for bringing this

All Comments Are Open!

Just an announcement post for today! Spent a lot of time this weekend on blog maintenance—part of which included adding some anti-spam measures to the site. After about 48 hours now of absolutely zero spam, I’m feeling pretty good about this! Anyway, just wanted to let y’all know that comments are now open on all