To all who celebrate, hope that you and yours have a wonderful holiday! One of the things I’m most grateful for is being able to share my stories with y’all here on the blog! Looking forward to continuing my writing journey into the winter holidays, the new year & beyond 😊 I have an exciting
Category: general
Site back up
Hey y’all the site went down for several hours this afternoon/evening, but looks like it’s back up now. There was a widespread outage issue with the web host I use which affected a lot of other folks’ sites as well. Seems like things have stabilized now, but I’ll continue monitoring. Sorry for the inconvenience ❤️
First revision done!
Welp, sorry y’all, no Pact updates this week – one’s in progress but since it’s a pivotal chapter (!!), I don’t want to rush it or half-ass it. Hopefully knowing this y’all will be excited for updates to resume next week 😊 I realize that my fanfic updates have slowed down a bit (again), and
On the road
Hey guys! Been traveling around the southeast seeing family this week 😊 Thought I’d be able to cobble some time together to get a post out by today, but no dice. May have something out Sunday if I get the time, otherwise it’s back to the normal Wed – Fri update schedule next week. Just
New Year, New Focus
Well, it’s not quite the new year yet, but close enough XD As some of you might have noticed, for the past several months I’ve been in the process of revising and cross-posting my blog series The Pact to Ao3, Dokuga, and PMO as The Bond. I’ll admit this turned out to be a much
It’s Official – PMO Launches April 1st!!
Yay! I’m so excited & hope y’all are too!! 🚀🚀🚀 Shamelessly lifting these awesome flyers from the tumblr post for convenience: Lots of great content forthcoming during launch month!! If y’all are so inclined, please follow PMO and help share the good news on your social media platform of choice. Here are the links 😊:
A New Adventure
Hey guys! Hope y’all have been enjoying the updates 🙂 It’s exciting to think that after being set back more than a year from my original estimated completion date, we’re finally in the final chapters of Control! Words can’t express how much I appreciate y’all embarking on this crazy journey with me. I’ve probably said