After parting ways with Kohaku, Kagome entered Sango’s home, calling out as she did. With it being so cold out, the children were inside, playing quietly together by the hearth. They’d been subdued like this ever since their father’s death. It hurt Kagome’s heart to see it, their somberness and frowning faces. “Where’s your mama?”
Category: fanfic
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 111
What Kagome thought would be the low point of her day—maybe even her life—was only the beginning. Inuyasha’s high spirits that morning had only sunk her into a deeper depression. When he’d kissed her and left the house, she hadn’t felt better exactly—just not worse. She whiled away an hour or so around the house,
Bad Boy – Part 4, Final (Explicit)
Kagome could have stayed in the Modern Era for a few days while she waited for her friends on the other side of the well to catch up with her in Edo. But instead, the very next morning, she found herself back in Sengoku Jidai again. She felt a little guilty about it, but she
Bad Boy – Part 3
Setting her jaw, Kagome took a step toward him. “Not particularly,” she said, holding out her hand. “But I’ll take that Jewel Shard if you don’t mind.” Sesshoumaru slipped down from the tree, sleek and silent as a ghost. He looked at the shard in his claws. Then he looked at her. “I wonder,” he
Bad Boy – Part 2
“I’m sorry,” Kagome fumed as she ripped out a few more snapped twigs from her hair, swiped a few more torn leaves from her sweater, “I’ve tried to give him the benefit of the doubt since he’s our ally, but I just have to say it: Sesshoumaru is no-good—no good at all!” Miroku side-eyed her.
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 110
With her reiki, Kagome burned away the spill of Sesshoumaru’s seed from her skin. She did this with the same habitual thoroughness she’d have used to burn it up inside her. As he’d told her, it was her prerogative to ‘see to it,’ and so she did. No risk of any lingering evidence of him
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 109 (Explicit)
She couldn’t stop. She couldn’t help herself. Maybe it was her own deranged perception of events, but it seemed he couldn’t either. Neither of them could help themselves anymore. All sense of sanity and restraint were gone. Lost to the blaze of his frustration, to the flung floodgates of her anguish that wouldn’t shut to
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 108
Kagome raised herself up and turned toward him. The sight of Sesshoumaru standing there against the purpling skies was almost blinding to her misted eyes. She blinked up at him and felt a fresh wave of tears course down her cheeks. “This is all my fault,” she said tremulously. Sesshoumaru’s golden gaze trailed over the
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 107
It was an overcast day when they laid Miroku’s remains to rest, as if the gods themselves had selected the backdrop best suited to the occasion—a gloomy, ash grey. The funeral was a bleak affair—what funeral wasn’t? But Kagome was most staggered by the surrealness of it. She couldn’t wrap her head around the fact