Kagome stared at Rin, frozen in shock. The realization dawned on her by slow degrees. How could she have forgotten? How could she have been so careless as to forget? “Sesshoumaru’s mother,” Kagome said slowly, “you’ve met her.” “Oh yes,” Rin said brightly. “The second time Sesshoumaru-sama rescued me from death, I beheld her.” Dreamily,
Category: fanfic
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 120
As she and Inuyasha walked home together, Kagome kept her eyes trained resolutely ahead. Her heart still raced like mad. Shin burbled, reaching over for Inuyasha. With a half-hearted scoff, Inuyasha plucked the baby from her chest. As they went along, he kept tossing Shin up in the air and catching him. The tosses grew
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 119
Clutching Shin to her, Kagome paced back and forth across the snowy hilltop, trying to digest what Sesshoumaru had just told her. She could feel his eyes trained upon her as she did. “You bit me during sex,” she grit out at last, drawing to a halt before him. “And now in the eyes of
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 118
Kagome blanched, taken aback. “How—how can you say that?” “How can you deny it,” Sesshoumaru said with an edge. “It is only his blind, foolish trust in you which has so far prevented it.” Kagome stared at him, gutted. Even in the days of their earliest acquaintance, even when he had deplored her for her
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 117
Kagome tossed and turned that night, unable to sleep. Unable to do anything except to replay over and over again that damning conversation with Toutousai in her head. Her mind spiraled down pathways of paranoia that grew so warped and convoluted they eventually overwhelmed her. Her anxious thoughts mercifully short-circuited—until some new fear rebooted her
The Pact Bonus Scene: Hearsay
Well off the beaten path, Toutousai hunkered down in a crevice of a cave with his faithful companion Mou-Mou at his back. The demon ox didn’t so much as low. But all three eyes remained fastened upon Toutousai in concern as he pulled a red-eyed birdskull from his sleeve. He held the birdskull close to
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 116
The youki swirling around Shin condensed, settling over him like a snowdrift—until Kagome realized that the soft pearly fluff that wreathed him wasn’t snow, but fur. Still now in this demonic form, he peered up her with his gleaming, slit-pupiled eyes, coldly and inscrutably. His normally expressive face was devoid of all human feeling. His
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 115
Though Kagome sensed Sesshoumaru around, she avoided him. As though sensing her desire to avoid him—maybe in fact sensing this—Sesshoumaru didn’t approach her. Then again, even if they’d wanted to, their opportunities to fuck around were limited. True to his word, Inuyasha was present more in Edo now, since he’d given up his mercenary contracts
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 114
Kagome’s thoughts remained hopelessly rattled as the day wore on. She hadn’t felt this shaken in some time, possibly ever. She was still feeling far from easy by the time Inuyasha came home. His glib good humor did nothing to cheer her. If anything, it did the opposite. Sensing this, Inuyasha put Shin down and
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 113
Kagome left Sango’s home near dusk. Though she’d succeeded in raising her best friend’s spirits, she herself felt depleted—emotionally and physically. She remembered when she was a girl, her boundless enthusiasm of heart. Where had that surplus gone? It seemed to her now that everything she gave took a toll on her. Nothing came without