SessKag Series: The Secretary, Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 11 in the series The Secretary [Hiatus]

“Miko.” Kagome jumped in her chair. With a weary sigh, she frowned down at the intercom on her desk before pushing the small red button to respond. “Hai, Sesshoumaru-sama.” The words left her mouth a little terser than she’d intended. It rankled her that he’d demanded she address him with his old honorific like they

Stasis Side-Stories: Abaddon, Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 7 in the series Abaddon [Complete]

Iron claws score the salt crusted rock. Snarling, he drags up the writhing sea dragon. Wing-like fins shear against the crags, stomach plates sparking at the contact. Waves rise and crash as the serpent’s tail thrashes. He braces himself against the tide, fangs crushing through scale and flesh and bone. Death shrieks rattle the flinty