There was no doubt about it–a massive, powerful demon was approaching them. Fast. Kagome grimaced in dread. She was in no condition to fight, and Sesshoumaru was practically KO’d. They had to get out of here–now. “C’mon,” she grunted, wrapping her good arm around Sesshoumaru from behind and beginning to pull. He was surprisingly light,
Category: fanfic
SessKag Series: Daily Transgressions, Part 8
Burning with panic and fury, Kagome plunged down at Mouryoumaru, driving her blazing, disintegrating spear into the crack in his chestplate. The naginata splintered, bursting in a shower of light. Mouryoumaru’s armor shattered as well, falling from his body like broken chunks of clay. He reeled back, releasing Sesshoumaru as his tentacles retreated defensively. His
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 6 (Explicit)
Kagome made her way through the forest, treading that familiar, dreaded path. She sweltered in the hot, sticky air. Her pack weighed heavy at her back. Sweat beaded between her shoulder blades, wove a sinuous course down her spine. It seemed surreal to her, to be back in this place. But as the trees thinned
SessKag Series: Daily Transgressions, Part 7
Cursing, Sesshoumaru dropped the hilt of his broken sword, springing back as Mouryoumaru reared. An armored claw swept out at him, and he dodged it narrowly, his furious thoughts still trained toward the plateau above. He had been a fool to bring her here. His inane desire to keep her near him had imperiled them
A Week of Transgressions
OMG, I’m just so blown away right now, and seeing as how we’re coming up on the end of week 1 of the Daily Trangressions project, I just had to post. First off, thank you all SO much for following along with the Daily Transgressions series! I was super excited when I came up with
SessKag Series: Daily Transgressions, Part 6
“Concerned for your little pets, Sesshoumaru-sama?” He leapt to the side as Mouryoumaru’s crystallized limb barreled toward him, smashing through the rock where he had once stood. Low guttural laughter filled the air. “Don’t worry. I’m sure Hakudoushi is taking excellent care of them.” Golden eyes narrowed at Mouryoumaru. “This Sesshoumaru has grown weary of
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 5
The weeks wore on. With each day that went by, Kagome’s anxiety grew. She dreaded the passing of time almost as much as she anticipated it. Soon—very soon—she would know whether her plan had been a success. Or a failure. She was hard-pressed to say which outcome she feared the most. “You still haven’t started
SessKag Series: Daily Transgressions, Part 5
Meanwhile… “If you want her, miko, why don’t you come and get her!” Sesshoumaru watched as the girl took off after Naraku’s brat of an incarnation, heedless of the danger. Anger coursed through him at the sight. With a growl, he threw off Mouryoumaru’s tentacled arm and raced to intercept her. “Retreating so soon, Sesshoumaru-sama?” a
SessKag Series: Daily Transgressions, Part 4
Through the haze, she could see Rin running toward her with something in her arms. Dimly, she recognized the shape of her bow. “Here, Miko-sama!” Rin called out as she skidded to a halt before her. “Thanks, Rin-chan,” Kagome said weakly, blinking to clear her eyes as her reiki finally extinguished the demonic poison that
SessKag Series: The Secretary, Part 7
“…Kagome-chan? Hey–Kagome-chan!” Kagome blinked, her eyes focusing on her friend’s disgruntled face. Across the table from her, Sachiko’s caramel eyes narrowed, her arms folding over her chest. “What’s up with you today? That’s the third time you’ve zoned out in the past thirty minutes.” “Gomen, Sachi-chan,” Kagome said quickly, a light blush fanning across her