Sesshoumaru glared north, his claws biting into his palms as he tightened his grip on Ah-Un’s reins. He had entertained the girl’s ridiculous whims long enough. It was time to end this foolishness. He would find the wolf and strike him down this very day–as he had proposed from the start. As his seething blood
Category: fanfic
SessKag Series: Daily Transgressions, Part 40
Shaking the mist from her hair, Kagome crossed the threshold into Kouga’s den. Wolves–on two legs and four–scampered about the huge stony cavern, arms and jaws laden with old bones and sake bottles and dusty furs. Shooting her apologetic glances as they bowed and darted past, the youkai cleaned up the den like their lives
SessKag Series: Daily Transgressions, Part 39
The sun gleamed high in the iron sky as they touched down at last upon Kouga’s mountain. Or, at least, what Kagome thought was his mountain… Sliding down from Entei’s warm back, she took the opportunity to stretch out her cramped legs as she walked along the flinty overlook, searching far and near for the
SessKag Series: Daily Transgressions, Part 38
Clothed in her new miko garb, Kagome set out the next morning toward the appointed meeting place. It was terribly early still, the pink light of dawn just beginning to creep up over the dark horizon. Though the air was far from warm, it was a vast improvement over the chill of the preceding weeks.
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 10
For what felt like the millionth time that evening, Kagome’s lips twitched up in a polite, strained smile as yet another guest stepped forward to offer her his sincerest congratulations. After a seemingly endless series of pleasantries and bows, her expression sagged in relief at the end of the exchange. Her hand rose to soothe
SessKag Series: Daily Transgressions, Part 37
Later that night, alone in her hut, Kagome prepared for tomorrow’s trip to Kouga’s mountain stronghold. Though she put on a bold face for Sesshoumaru and her friends, she couldn’t help but feel a twinge of anxiety about the journey ahead. It had been quite a while since she’d crossed paths with her would-be suitor.
SessKag Series: Daily Transgressions, Part 36
Kagome’s wide eyes slid shut as she buried her hands in the long flowing silk of Sesshoumaru’s sleeves, her lips melding eagerly with his. He kissed her fiercely, hungrily, a small sound of pleasure escaping her when his rough tongue broke past the seal of her lips and swept possessively against her own. Shyly, she
SessKag Series: Daily Transgressions, Part 35
“So, I’ve been thinking,” Kagome began, setting down her half-empty bowl of stew, “about what our next move should be.” Maybe it was the gravity in her tone, or the fact that she had never been one to pass up a meal, but at her words, the others paused as well, setting their own lunches
SessKag Series: The Secretary, Part 9
Kagome descended the stairs shakily, trying not to trip in her tall, spindly heels. As the landing came into sight, she made a last-second decision to pull her hair free of the elastic band that restrained it. Her long wavy locks cascaded down her shoulders in a what was no doubt a terribly messy tumble,
SessKag Series: Daily Transgressions, Part 34 (Explicit)
Days later, Sesshoumaru could still smell her on his skin, feel her phantom touch caressing him beneath his clothes. He was as mad for her as he had ever been, perhaps more. What had sated him in the moment had left him ravaged with want in the wake of it. Restlessly, he prowled his territories,