Kagome couldn’t deny she was itching to check out that heated pool at the center of the castle—’slumbering’ youkai presiding or not. Despite the cold weather, she’d gotten sweaty from the various trials of the day, and she wanted to wash up before dinner. No longer comatose from gorging himself on blood-plums, Shin was raring
Category: fanfic
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 129
When Shin continued to look grumpy, Kagome figured he was just hungry. Bouncing him on her hip, she went over to her yellow backpack. Kneeling down, she rifled through it. She offered Shin some jarred applesauce on a spoon, at which he turned up his snub nose. She offered him some mashed carrots, some mashed
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 128
Kagome paced back and forth in the lofty central alcove of the castle, unable to rest while her son was turned to stone. Every other second, her eyes would flick to Shin in the small bed of furs where Sesshoumaru had placed him. The faint thunk he’d made on impact had reminded Kagome disconcertingly of
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 127
Shin spent the rest of the afternoon zipping about the demonic countryside, phasing between forms so much that it threatened to give Kagome whiplash. Now and then, Sesshoumaru would share some anecdote of Shin’s with her that Kagome highly suspected had been paraphrased, or at least much had been lost in translation from beast-lingo to
The Pact Bonus Scene: The Lady in the Lake
It was the faintest sound, even to her keen hearing. Tinny like the chime of a bell, a bright and silvery crackling. A wintry sound. She left off from her lofty meditations upon her high and gilded throne. She descended the dais and swept off toward that lone far tower from which the bell-like sound
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 126
On his youki cloud, Sesshoumaru spirited Kagome and Shin away to the snowy mountain valley far below the castle. The dinosaur-sized snowflakes had stopped falling for the moment. Bundled up with Shin in Sesshoumaru’s dense fur, Kagome barely felt the winter chill. The air here was brisk but still. It smelled faintly of pine and
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 125
The inside of the mountain tower was much changed from the last time Kagome had visited. Crossing the enchanted threshold with Shin in arms, she gaped at what she beheld— It was a winter wonderland, and nothing short of magical. There were still the silvery tiered cliffs and the moon-shaped pool. But instead of velvety
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 124
Knowing what to expect this time, Kagome barely felt disoriented at the stomach-flipping sensation she experienced when Sesshoumaru ferried them away to his demonic mountain keep. Her worries were for Shin. Would he be anxious? Would he be scared? The moment her feet touched the ground on that sparkling, wind-swept slope, she looked to her
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 123
Extricating her old trusty yellow backpack, Kagome crammed it full to bulging for herself and Shin. She’d stuffed in all the essentials for a three-day’s trip and then some. Shin watched her silently from his crib all the while. He stood up as best he could while he supported himself on the rails. Glancing to
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 122
Kagome sat by the crackling hearth after breakfast. Shin rolled around beside her on an old quilt her grandmother had made, basking in the glowing warmth of the coals. On the tatami platform by the bed, Inuyasha was getting ready to depart on another extermination mission. He threaded Tessaiga through his sash and leapt down.