Kagome tore through the forest in blind desperation, sheer adrenaline fueling her as she crashed through the brush and branches that attempted to ensnare her. Her yukata snagged and ripped, her hair and skin as well. As the night wind lashed against her, she raced back toward the castle as fast as her tripping feet
Category: fanfic
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 25 (Explicit)
Kagome found her still-damp yukata hanging in the branch of a nearby tree. Snatching it down, she stalked toward the stream that lay at the edge of the abandoned village. Her jaw clenched as Sesshoumaru’s last words to her replayed in her head. What he could have meant by them filled her with furious suspicion.
SessKag Series: Control, Part 14 (Explicit)
The bow slipped from Kagome’s fingers, her strung arrow clattering to the floor. She should have known her spell wouldn’t be strong enough to throw Sesshoumaru off her trail. Maybe he hadn’t been in close enough range until now, or hadn’t been paying close enough attention. Maybe she’d let the enchantment slip during her sleep,
SessKag Series: Control, Part 13
‘Keep the secret’ resumed with a vengeance, Kagome and Mayuri raising the stakes absurdly higher with each successive round. By the time they squeezed back through the fence, both women were in mute, red-faced hysterics. The moment the vines swung shut behind them, they doubled-over, laughing themselves hoarse. “We did it,” Kagome gasped, clutching her
SessKag Series: Control, Part 12
Ascending the steps of a wide veranda, the two women drew to a stop before one of the palace’s outer doors. Mayuri bent low at the waist, the ends of her loosely bound hair nearly brushing the floorboards. “Let me know if there is anything at all that you need.” “Thank you, I—” “Kaa-san!” Both
SessKag Series: Control, Part 11
Shouldering her weapons and satchel, Kagome left her home early the next morning and made the short trek over to Kaede’s hut to borrow her horse for the journey ahead. Onyx eyes regarded her steadily as she approached the backyard paddock. Like his owner, Jiro was an aged yet sturdy creature—and a little on the
SessKag Series: Control, Part 10
That night, for the first time in weeks, Kagome’s sleep was dreamless. Groggy and stiff, she awoke the next morning with a refreshing clarity of mind. While she would never stop hunting the Beast, her brother-in-law had been right in one sense—she couldn’t let herself be driven to destruction in the attempt. She needed to