“…Kagome-san?” The miko swallowed cautiously, her hand returning discreetly to her side as Kohaku lowered his katana. Her eyes fell to the gray gleaming edge of the blade, to the pale muscular arms that held it suspended. The thin blanket he’d been sleeping under now draped low on his waist, revealing the breadth of his
Category: fanfic
SessKag Series: Control, Part 20
Kagome stood alone on the porch, watching after Kohaku long after he’d left. Leaning heavily against the outer wall of her home, she tried to bring her whirlwind of fears under control. The vial. The detection charm. Were Kohaku to encounter Sesshoumaru with it, he would know. And if he knew, if he knew… Kagome
SessKag Series: Control, Part 19
Thunder boomed on high, a tepid breeze stirring the air around her. As lightning split the sky and the scent of ozone suffused her senses, Kagome curled down at the base of her husband’s grave and drew his red robe over her with a whimper. She had been wrong. There was nothing here for her,
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 27 (Explicit)
Sesshoumaru knelt down. His claws curved firmly around her nape. “No more outbursts.” Kagome nodded. Releasing his hakama, she latched to the front of his haori instead. Sesshoumaru considered her a moment longer, before gathering her to him, blanket and all. Blinking her watery eyes to clear them, Kagome relaxed in his hold. Her panic
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 26
Back inside the hut, Kagome stripped off her ruined yukata, balled it up and pitched it angrily into the hearth. As the flames licked at the pretty floral fabric, she shrugged into a spare robe with a scowl. The sleeping yukata was plain and rather skimpy, but the idea of wearing her miko attire under
Two’s Company, Three’s a Party!
Ahh it’s safe to say that I’ve had threesome fics on the brain recently since I started writing Pack Privilege! Honestly, I’m surprised it hasn’t occurred to my dirty mind to travel down this road before. Because the only thing better than getting banged by one hot bishounen is getting banged by two, amirite? 😈
SessKag Series: Control, Part 18
Bent low over Jiro’s back, Kagome clung to his neck as much as his reins, her lungs striving for air against the crushing weight of her anguish. Her eyes bleared, blood trickling down from her raw, busted knuckles and sealing her clenched fingers shut. The road before her obscured as Jiro raced on at her
SessKag Series: Control, Part 17
Kagome reeled, scarcely managing to reach the river’s edge before a torrent of scalding bile ripped up through her throat. Her nose seared. Her eyes streamed as she retched out the dregs of her empty stomach into the muddy current below. Frigid brown water soaked through the knees of her hakama, her quaking arms straining
SessKag Series: Control, Part 16
It was well past dawn when Kagome awoke, her eyes crusted and body aching from the cramped position she’d passed out in last night. Lying partway on her stomach, she dragged her pruny fingers out from the sticky seam of her thighs, a grimace pulling at her lips at the sensation. With a groan, she