WARNING: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK Outside in the central courtyard, Sesshoumaru drew in a clarifying breath, his boots crunching lightly over the shimmering shell gravel as he approached the Lady of the Western Lands. Her back to him, Inukimi waited beneath the swaying emerald boughs of a willow tree, her form as still
Category: fanfic
SessKag Series: Absolution, Part 3
Breaking through the skein of clouds, Sesshoumaru alighted on the broad stone steps of the skyborn palace. As he ascended to the sweeping veranda, a small crowd lingered near the moonstone gate, the recent parade of humans through it having clearly caused a stir. At his thunderous approach, the loiterers dispersed and departed. Striding toward
SessKag Series: Absolution, Part 2
READ AT YOUR OWN RISK More than a week passed before they were able to forge a path into the boundary between worlds. Inuyasha was rabid, possessed with a frenzy of desperation Sesshoumaru had never witnessed in him before, nor would again. Though they did not speak of it, the grimness in their expressions
SessKag Series: Absolution, Part 1
“Sesshoumaru-sama!” Pausing, the demon lord turned to find his ward scampering toward him up the narrow mountain path. Her dark eyes glimmered with excitement. Pale blue flowers peeked through the braids at her temples. As she skidded to a halt before him, he glanced briefly past her, to the young woman hanging back with a
SessKag Series: Control, Part 28
In the days that followed, Kagome considered what additional measures still needed to be taken to ensure the safety of the people in her charge. Rin’s near-flight from Edo had given her cause for alarm. No matter how fortified the village was, all these defenses amounted to nothing the moment a person stepped one foot
SessKag Series: Control, Part 27
Kagome was grateful for her anger. Compared to her sadness, it was a welcome refuge, and she took solace in the white-hot fury that gripped her heart. It energized her, galvanized her, as she went about her duties with fervent, compulsive diligence. Discipline and industry were important, essential—these were lessons she had learned from him,
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 35
And now she could see it reflected in his eyes— Six years of want, six years of waiting. Six years of restraint and careful calculation dissolved in that one unguarded moment, that one unvarnished glance of pure and unadulterated longing. Kagome’s features crumpled in despair. “Sesshoumaru…” He tightened his hold on her ankle. The tips
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 34
Alone in her home, Kagome stared up at the close, dark ceiling in paralytic numbness—unable to move, unable to sleep. As the air began to lighten, her lashes fluttered, her fingers twitched. Thawing slowly from her frozen state, she rose and wandered from the hut. Dawn had not yet broken. Still dressed in her sleeping
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 33
“Kagome—you still in bed?” Before she could respond, Inuyasha burst through the door of their home, a pile of parcels from the Modern Era balanced in his arms. She winced as the afternoon sunlight slanted full across her face. Her hand rose belatedly to shield her eyes from the glare. With an unmistakable spring in