It’s been a while since I’ve written a drunken rant post, right? Well, today’s topic is on the subject of AU fics, which to be honest have always been a great source of personal confusion and irritation for me. With rare exceptions, I don’t read AU, or ‘Alternate Universe’, fanfictions. The reason for this is
Category: fanfic
SessKag Series: Control Part 48
Raggedly, Kagome sobbed, her throat going raw with hopeless grief. Her bloodied shoulder blazed and throbbed. Her bruised spine zinged with pain. But it was the ache in her heart that threatened to cripple her, as the Beast bit down on her shield with brutal, crushing force. At the attack, at the sight of his
SessKag Series: Control, Part 47
Before Kagome could even think of retrieving her bow, the Beast was upon her. Air slammed from her lungs as her back smashed against a tree trunk, noxious jaws clamping down on her collar in a vicious, bone-grinding gnash. Kagome screamed out in blinding pain, her skin and haori shredding as she forced him off
SessKag Series: Control, Part 44 (Explicit)
Kagome blanched. “What?” Recovering, she advanced hotly upon him. “Kill you, Sesshoumaru?—really?” She ground her teeth in irritation. “Don’t say such careless things!” In the hard set of his features, there was only resignation. “You will not check me, and I cannot. I am weary of it, this senseless violence.” After a slight pause, he
SessKag Series: Control, Part 43 (Explicit)
Kagome’s arrow cut a brilliant, rosy swathe through the darkness. Streaking toward the rutting pair, it flared almost white as it struck the ground near Sesshoumaru’s left knee. With a deafening roar, the daiyoukai reeled from the blast, the bloodied girl breaking away from him with a frightened scream. As Kagome rushed into the clearing,
SessKag Series: Control, Part 42 (Explicit)
With a start, Kagome found herself standing on familiar ground. Her fist clenched around the neck of her haori as visions of the night she’d stumbled across Sesshoumaru and Mayuri assaulted her consciousness once more. Here now, in stark, vivid relief was the girl—prostrate and naked, gasping and moaning and hanging on for dear life
SessKag Series: Absolution, Part 19
With no small amount of reservation, Sesshoumaru set out to find his younger brother. A quick scan of his surroundings had revealed that he and Hikari were alone in Kagome’s castle. When Inuyasha had left, and in what state of mind, were at the forefront of Sesshoumaru’s thoughts. His younger sibling was volatile to say
SessKag Series: Absolution, Part 18
In the tepid light of dawn, Sesshoumaru awakened. His muscles were cramped and strangely sore. Eyes still closed, he hissed in a breath as he minutely shifted, the fog of slumber still clouding his mind. He could not remember the last time he had slept so deeply. Frowning at the grogginess that gripped him, he