SessKag Series: Control, Part 54

This entry is part 54 of 227 in the series Control [Complete]

Kagome recoiled at the phrase, the Beast’s words haunting her through it. “You…” she said lowly, sweeping his fur clear of her as she backed away. “Don’t be so cheeky.” Heatedly, Sesshoumaru held her gaze. “Then compose yourself.” The miko grit her teeth. Her hands fisted at her sides as she glared. “If you didn’t

SessKag Series: Control, Part 53

This entry is part 53 of 227 in the series Control [Complete]

Red light scorched behind her shuttered eyes. Kagome groaned, shifting in the softness that enveloped her. As her stiff limbs wakened, she curled her hands into the fine texture beneath her, something strange and alien in it startling her to full wakefulness. Her breath stilted, her fingers clenching. Exhaling forcefully, she pushed herself upright, coils

SessKag Series: Control, Part 50 (Explicit)

This entry is part 50 of 227 in the series Control [Complete]

The word left her as little more than a whisper, but its effect was immediate. A fearsome roar reverberated through the wilderness, Kagome’s hair whipping back as the Beast’s massive bulk crashed to the earth below. Dust and youki rose in a storm, the miko shielding herself as best she could against it. With stinging

SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 39

This entry is part 39 of 184 in the series The Pact [Ongoing]

The next morning, Kagome rose with renewed energy. Scarcely able to contain her enthusiasm, she hastened to get herself and Inuyasha fed and ready and out of doors—despite her husband’s excessive grumbling. Even the baby’s aura seemed to reflect her excitement. The glow in her belly was as incandescent as the one that lit her

SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 38

This entry is part 38 of 184 in the series The Pact [Ongoing]

“Kagome!” Her eyes flew open. Sesshoumaru’s hand fell from her face as she turned with him toward the village. In a few blurring red bounds, Inuyasha landed before them. Crossing his arms over his chest, he scowled habitually at his elder brother before leveling his sharp amber gaze on Kagome. “What’s going on? You said

SessKag Series: Control, Part 49

This entry is part 49 of 227 in the series Control [Complete]

The darkness swallowed up Kagome’s tried-and-true command of subjugation, its afterecho ringing hollow in her throat. Huge crimson eyes scintillated with derision. Black canine lips pulled back in a fiendish leer as the lights of her rosary beads dimmed and sputtered out. Kagome’s features crumpled in defeat, but before she could dwell too long on