Sesshoumaru felt himself emerging as if from a long, slow thaw. For the first time in many months, he saw the signs of promise, like a thinning in the gloom. A much needed and welcome reprieve, in the climate of rising tension and hostility that surrounded him. With each passing day, Kagome grew stronger, healed
Category: fanfic
InuKagSess Series: Pack Privilege, Part 5 (Explicit)
With Sesshoumaru, Kagome observed, it was all about the subtleties. Spying upon him through a gap in the hanging sheets, she had scarcely seen his expression change over the past half hour or so. Once, she thought she’d glimpsed the shadow of a smile—but that had turned out to be nothing more than a play
SessKag Series: Control, Part 64
It was just as Seiryuu had predicted. The demons came. First in a trickle, then in a stream. Ridding the land of them proved a grueling, exhausting task—even with the aid of Kohaku and others. Worn down from month after month of constant battle, Kagome felt herself spreading thin. Past mikos had died from such
Control Side-Stories: Transcendence
Summer was ending. The days were shortening. The flowers were fading. But the sun was still hot. The air was still thick and stifling with the heat of it, like the woolen blankets her Auntie had forced her to bed down under even when she was sick with fever. She wasn’t really her aunt, that
Control Side-Stories: That Night, Part Three
Golden eyes close briefly. “I see.” It was the scent that drew him. Foreign, yet familiar. Enough to pique his interest, to stir something in him. It was the scent of blood— Ripe and red and in season. Humans were always coming into season, it seemed. They bred like rabbits because their lives were short
Control Side-Stories: That Night, Part Two
“Sesshoumaru-sama, there is something I must tell you. Something terrible which I must confess. It concerns Kagome-sama.” Silence looms, heavy, expectant. The rings of the shakujou faintly tremble. “Before Naraku’s defeat, before her marriage to your brother, an incident occurred…” FOUR YEARS EARLIER She was in love. It wasn’t the bubbly lightness, the floating-on-air sensation she’d
Control Side-Stories: That Night, Part One
He had always been a religious man. Not devout in the traditional sense, yet unquestionably devoted to his own set of guiding principles. Like the Buddha, he rejected asceticism in favor of the Middle Way. How could it be a sin, he had reasoned from an early age, to enjoy the pleasures of this world?
Control Side-Stories: Deviants (Explicit)
In the mountains to the north, the demon prince found him. Though his presence was concealed, following the path of blood, broken land, and scattered corpses had led to him surely enough. While the prince couldn’t scent such things as fear, he could feel it hanging thick in the air—a tense and heavy brooding. The
SessKag Series: Control, Part 63
As Kagome crested the steep granite steps, sunlight gleamed from the shrine’s gilded eaves, haloed the silvery stone lanterns in ethereal radiance. She drew strength from the shrine’s holy presence as she walked around it, following the paved path to the wooded temple that lay beyond. Constructed only a year ago, the multi-tiered building still
SessKag Series: Control, Part 62 (Explicit)
Kagome’s smile was still in place, but there was a flintiness in the curve of her lips, a chill in her aura that would have had Shippou scampering off and Inuyasha’s ears falling flat. Sesshoumaru merely inclined his head. Not waiting for him to rise, she strode briskly past him toward the door, shooting Kanako