Control Side-Stories: Dark Days, Part 4

This entry is part 4 of 9 in the series Dark Days [Complete]

Depleted, Kagome lay, her weary eyes trained upon the hearth’s dim coals. She had barely mustered the wherewithal to kick off her sandals upon returning home, let alone rebuild the fire. Collapsed on her bed in her priestess attire, she was merely aware of her rumpled, shivering state. Merely aware of her continued existence as

Control Side-Stories: Dark Days, Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 9 in the series Dark Days [Complete]

She hadn’t meant to do it. Not consciously, anyway. No more than she’d meant to when she’d started walking toward her husband’s funeral pyre, the night they had burned his beheaded remains. It was as if something was pulling at her from within. Some subconscious undercurrent of feeling—a pain beneath the pain. Twisted like a

SessKag Series: Control, Part 70

This entry is part 70 of 227 in the series Control [Complete]

“Kohaku-kun,” Kagome bit out, intensely annoyed. “What do you want?” Hard and glinting as chips of obsidian, the taijiya’s keen eyes flicked over her, taking her in from head to foot. A fresh flush of outrage rose to Kagome’s cheeks, her fingers clamping that much tighter around the gaping waist and collar of her untied