SessKag Series: The Cave, Part 13

This entry is part 13 of 15 in the series The Cave [Complete]

“I’ve decided to stay.” Sesshoumaru’s gaze slanted from the heavens down to her. “Stay?” “That’s right,” Kagome said, her lips quirking up at the corners. The doggish pun in all this clearly wasn’t lost on either of them. “Bye-bye, college education. Hello, miko arts.” “So,” he said dryly, “you’re opting for the path of least

SessKag Series: The Cave, Part 10

This entry is part 10 of 15 in the series The Cave [Complete]

Needless to say, Kagome’s whirlwind romantic encounter at the Bone-Eater’s Well left her totally bewildered. Happily so, but bewildered nevertheless. All of her previously-understood notions about her demonic partner were now, once again, in total upheaval. Their lovemaking—and a dreamy expression stole over her each time she referred to it as such in her mind—hadn’t