“Ren-san,” Kagome greeted warmly in relief, while Kohaku’s whole demeanor chilled. “What a vision you are to behold,” the captain said to her. “My memory of your loveliness has been a poor substitute.” His light eyes flicked casually over the taijiya standing so frigidly beside her. “…Might this fierce young man be your little brother?”
Category: fanfic
SessKag Series: Control, Part 91
More harried militiamen followed in the messenger’s wake. Spilling into the room, they reported their own versions of these alarming sightings—not a few of their accounts clearly embellished by some combination of excitement and fear. As Kohaku began giving out orders, Kagome hurried to the north-facing window. Squinting, she could just make out the approaching
SessKag Series: Control, Part 90
Kagome stiffened. With effort, she kept her tone light as she replied, “Just checking in.” Kohaku’s flinty eyes pierced hers a moment longer. “Checking in,” he repeated, as if weighing the veracity of each word, before his gaze cut past her toward the stair. “Who’s your friend?” Kagome glanced behind her. Near the edge of
SessKag Series: Control, Part 89
Restless as Kagome felt, there was never a shortage of work to be done in the village-turned-mecca that Edo had become. Visiting Rin in the makeshift hospital she’d raised in the heart of the sprawl, Kagome was struck by the sheer number of battle-wounded among the afflicted travelers and refugees. Yet there were no warlords
SessKag Series: Control, Part 88
And yet, as the days passed and Kagome continued to catch phantom glimpses of this beast of the woods—the smoky wisp of a tail turning into the trees, the glint of gilded eyes through the brush, the pale points of ears tipping just above a fallen log or the far side of a boulder—her irritation
Control Side-Stories: The Story of Kai
“…Rin-chan? Rin-chan, can you hear me?” A fine tremor ran through the young priestess, as her dark eyes refocused slowly from her transcendent spell. “Kagome-chan, I…I was gone for so long.” Kagome shook her head. “No more than half an hour or so.” Rin hugged her arms around her. Shivering still, she frowned. “Is that
SessKag Series: Control, Part 87
Kagome’s eyes cut west as she frowned. Picking herself up from her perch, she ventured deeper into the forest with bow in hand. But at the sight that greeted her, her defensive posture relaxed a fraction. “Jakken,” she said as she shouldered her bow and strode toward him. “Ah.” Sesshoumaru’s retainer sighed, lowering the nintoujou
SessKag Series: Control, Part 86
Through a tangle of thorns, Kagome stared down the intruder. He was a mangy beast, feral and wolfish—grizzled and yellow-fanged and mean down to the marrow. Purple lips pulled back in a snarl as he dug his dark cracked claws into the earth and glared at her with sallow eyes full of hate and hunger.
SessKag Series: The Cave, Final Part
In the wee hours before dawn, Kagome awoke to the sensation of something warm and fluffy tickling at her cheek. Her eyes shot open as she bolted upright. …Sesshoumaru?! The indignant shout poised on the tip of her tongue fizzled to nothing, as she met her feline friend’s placid red stare. “Ah,” Kagome said, feeling