On the veranda where Hirokin sat, the soft light of a host of hovering paper lanterns muted the distant glow of the stars. It was a warm night for the season. The damp, sultry air was breathy with the portent of a coming storm. Long into the evening he and Sesshoumaru had conversed with one
Category: fanfic
SessKag Series: Control, Part 98
In a haze of distress, Kagome returned to her home. Throwing Tessaiga back into the trunk, she slammed the lid down upon it and reached for the nearest bottle of sake. Draining it, she scrabbled for another, and another still. In vain, she attempted to drown out the last few hours, to erase them from
Control Side-Stories: The Omen
Outside the Western Palace, Hirokin dismounted. For a few minutes, he stood with Ohana in the stream, stroking his nails over her gleaming scales. The dragon rumbled, turning a portion of her partially molted flank toward him. A little chagrined at the imposition, Hirokin complied nonetheless, and assisted her with shedding her sloughed-off skin. As
SessKag Series: Control, Part 97
Kagome scowled. “Inuyasha and I didn’t ‘steal’ anything.” Hirokin cocked his head, a shiver of watery sunlight gilding the platinum fall of his hair. “Is there another term you would prefer, Kagome-sama, for taking that which does not belong to you? I am speaking, of course, about the red barrier crystal, split and leached of
SessKag Series: Control, Part 96
Kagome wasn’t sure what astonished her more—the fact that Hirokin was part of Sesshoumaru’s inner circle, or the fact that Sesshoumaru had a ‘childhood friend’. Even imagining her brother-in-law as a child was difficult enough, though she supposed he couldn’t very well have sprung from the womb as he was. Shaking her head at all
SessKag Series: Control, Part 95
As Kagome watched her new army proceed through town, something nagged at the back of her mind. It was a feeling of misgiving that persisted in the days that followed, sharpening into outright suspicion as she opened the trunk at her bedside—and spotted something pale and glinting in the darkness within. Kagome’s brow furrowed. Plucking
SessKag Series: Control, Part 94
Kohaku’s katana returned to its sheath with a snap. Jolted from her reverie, Kagome turned toward him at the sound. But the taijiya was already walking away. “…Grave lad,” Ren remarked as he drew up beside her, his smile wry. Sharp and narrowed, his hawkish eyes followed after Kohaku’s dark receding form, before flitting around
Control Chronology & Reading Guide (Completed 6/23/22)
Hey guys 🙂 With all the side-stories and time-jumping in the Control-verse, this has been on my to-do list for a while now, and I’m excited to share it with you all – the official Control chronology and reading guide! I’ve created a category for this on the Fanfiction page which links back to this
SessKag Series: Control, Part 93
In that severed head Kagome glimpsed another. The image exploded red behind her eyes. The roar in her ears was deafening. Her stomach lurched as she reeled away, panic clawing at her throat. Her palm clamped to her mouth in frozen horror. At her shoulder, a touch—the warmth and weight of it familiar. Hunched, she