This entry is part 4 of 39 in the series The Rebel Anthology [Indefinite]
Category: fanfic
Control Side-Stories: Somewhere Between (Explicit)
Seven days, with twice as many hours of sleep between them. Kagome braced her chin in her hand and sighed. It was bizarre. She should be passing out cold by now, but here she was, sitting wide awake watching Kanako snore. After cleaning her up, Kagome had bedded the girl down in her own mussed-up
SessKag Series: Control, Part 105 (Explicit)
Kagome stared. Sesshoumaru as well. Trembling like mad, Kanako continued to pad toward them from the doorway. Her normally braided hair streamed limp and free down her shoulders. Between this and her quivering lower lip, there was something decidedly suggestive about her approach, even before she began fumbling at the knot of her obi. Kagome’s
SessKag Series: Control, Part 104
As Sesshoumaru stepped soundlessly across the threshold, Kagome scrambled up from the floor. She never thought she’d be relieved at the sight of her brother-in-law standing here in her house once again, but amidst the turbulence of emotions warring through her, there was an undeniable tendril of relief present there. It was a feeling that
SessKag Series: Control, Part 103
At the bitterness in his voice, Kagome swallowed, wishing she could retreat further back into the wall. The heat of Kohaku’s body rushed over her as he pinned her in against him. Desperately, her eyes darted up to his. Her fingers seized at his wrists. “W-wait,” she said faintly, grasping at straws. “What about Rin-chan?
Control Side-Stories: Expiation (Explicit)
Kagome had the itch again. ‘Itch’ was more of a euphemism, really. She had a compulsion, a part of her acknowledged. But the other part of her viciously denied it, and so an ‘itch’ it remained in her mind. A hankering, not a need. Only now she was starting to shake. It began as the
SessKag Series: Control, Part 102
On her way home, Kagome stopped at Inuyasha’s grave, but it was as cold a comfort to her now as it ever was. Her fingers numbed as she held them to the frigid stone. Her frozen breath veiled the characters of his name. At her side, Ikiryou whimpered, anxious. Stuffing the unlit incense back into
SessKag Series: Control, Part 101
It wasn’t merely in Kagome’s head, this atmosphere of looming dread. Fell, icy winds blew in from the west, and under the spell of this cold malignancy, strange happenings were taking place all throughout Edo. Vicious fights broke out between blood relations. Longtime friends remembered past grudges and fell into silent stalemates of resentment. Dreams
SessKag Series: Control, Part 100
As Kagome put herself at last to bed, it felt more like putting herself out of her misery. Collapsing onto the futon, she let loose a muffled moan. Even as unconsciousness mercifully enveloped her, she knew that in a matter of hours she’d be stark awake with a pair of twin jackhammers pounding away on
SessKag Series: Control, Part 99
Listless, Kagome watched as the hours slid by. Her muscles ached, those of her lower stomach most of all. She felt as though she’d been poisoned, which she supposed wasn’t too far from the mark. Returning from gods-knew-where with bits of bloody rabbit hide dangling from his muzzle, the wild dog paced around her whining