It amazed him, how easily Kagome assimilated into his daily life. He had never gotten on well in close quarters with anyone—not even his parents, and especially not his obnoxious little brother. His creative space had always been a prized commodity; his privacy, a jealously-guarded thing. But now Sesshoumaru wondered how he had ever lived
Category: fanfic
SessKag Series: The Muse, Part 3
Though her rejection of him was a foregone conclusion, Sesshoumaru was gutted by it just the same. At first, he sent her a long series of texts, which she ignored. He hazarded calling her, only to find that her phone was turned off. He debated attempting to seek her out in person—then realized at last
SessKag Series: The Muse, Part 2
There was a faraway look in her eyes. Sesshoumaru had seen it before, this silvery, enigmatic misting of her gaze. It was not a look of sleepy detachment, but of active thought removed elsewhere. Why it transfixed him now, and not before, he couldn’t say—except that his desperation to pin her down had led him
SessKag Series: The Muse, Part 1
His studio was in shambles. Again. Torn, busted canvases lay scattered about. Easels tottered on broken legs. Jars of paint burst and spilled where they hadn’t simply shattered against the walls and the floor and the thick-paned windows. Sticky and wet and gleaming like so many mixed streams of gore, the whole place had the
Sneak Peek ;)
Well never say never I guess – guys, I’m working on a SessKag AU 🤣 Just a one-shot, nothing crazy. But this damn plunny where Sess is a reclusive artist burrowed its way into my brain, and this is the only way to get it out! Sometimes you just gotta go where the muse takes
SessKag Series: Control, Part 125
Kagome stared. Was it possible Sango had learned something of her sordid affair with Sesshoumaru—or perhaps even worse, her unfortunate entanglements with Kohaku? A ball of lead sank through Kagome’s stomach, though her face remained quizzically blank. “…No,” she said, after a moment. “…Not particularly?” For another heartbeat, Sango’s keen, slayer’s gaze remained riveted on
SessKag Series: Control, Part 124
Kagome slept like the dead. When she woke it was to the sound of Kanako’s reedy voice calling out— “Kagome-sama? Kagome-sama, it is nearly noon.” Groggily, Kagome blinked, propped herself up on an elbow. There was a blissful moment where she didn’t remember anything of the night before. Then Kanako slipped through the door curtain,
Noms! :)
Hey guys, I’m so excited and honored to share that a couple of my fics have been nominated for The Feudal Connection Awards, Q1 2021! Control for Best Dark Fanfiction Control for Best Serial Fanfiction The Pact for Best Angst Fanfiction Thanks a million to whoever nominated me!! Here’s the link to vote, if you’re
Control Side-Stories: That Night, Part Four
Bloodless fingers grip the shakujou tighter still. “I cannot but wonder if Kagome-sama has repressed such memories. If the shock of it was too much, at the time, for her to bear.” It was a beacon, of sorts—this pale ensorcelled shell he had entreated his lord to bear upon him. How many years it had