“I must depart for some time,” Sesshoumaru said to her, as he knotted the sash at his waist. Kagome rolled to the other side of the futon, away from him. Still she could feel when his eyes settled on her naked back, lingering there. Irritation prickled through her. “So? No one’s harping at you to
Category: fanfic
SessKag Series: Control, Part 140 (Explicit)
In her dreams, Kagome knelt at his side. While he drank from the cup she had given him, she simply watched him, waiting in breathless anticipation for him to notice her, for him to acknowledge her in the slightest. But his eyes were fixed somewhere beyond her. She was restless, desperate for him. She was
Control Side-Stories: The Number Four
Rin paced back and forth. Wringing her hands, she watched as the candle burned down by her bedside. Her eyes flitted anxiously to the open window. Sliced neatly by the slats of the shutters, the moon gleamed like a sliver of pale fruit further divided. She could lie down, force herself into a restless sleep.
SessKag Series: Control, Part 139 (Explicit)
Kagome’s heart raced. Her palms misted as she clenched her fingers open and shut. She felt lightheaded, dizzy with agitation. She wasn’t even sure what the source of it was anymore, this roiling within her. It bubbled up through her chest, and she was laughing—laughing! “…No,” she gasped out, struggling to compose herself. “No, of
SessKag Series: Control, Part 138 (Explicit)
It might’ve seemed like he was extending her an invitation—granting her permission, even—but to Kagome’s hearing Sesshoumaru’s words had the smack of a challenge. At the sound, something like a switch flipped within her. A spark lit her eyes. A jolt of primal feeling stirred the cold, murky depths of her heart. She felt alive
SessKag Series: Control, Part 137 (Explicit)
“You ran rampant over my little brother, because he could not hold you in check.” The miko balled her fists to keep them from shaking. “My turn,” she said in a seething whisper, advancing upon him. “You’re a haughty, bloodthirsty demon with a woefully limited capacity for emotion.” Sesshoumaru’s gaze chilled, and Kagome considered it
SessKag Series: Control, Part 136
Kagome’s face flamed as she shoved back from him. “I didn’t put on anything ‘for you’—if I want to dress sexy in my own house, that’s my right. And if you grab at me like that again I’m going to punch a burning hole through your cheek. Now get down,” she spoke through gritted teeth
SessKag Series: Control, Part 135 (Explicit)
Sesshoumaru’s knees hit the floor with a blinding flash. Beneath the tatami mats, Kagome could hear the sound of the wooden floorboards splintering outward from him still. The ends of her bangs ruffled as her breath escaped her in a huff. Well that was certainly a bit of overkill on her part—but perversely satisfying nevertheless.
Control Side-Stories: The Price (Explicit)
Ren knew how to treat his men, Uetsugi reflected, as he tipped another cup of sake down his throat. Around him, there was the smell of rich food and good wine, of costly incense burning away like tinder. Through the sweet-smelling haze, officers lounged about, unarmored and grasping and growing sloppier by the minute. The
SessKag Series: Control, Part 134
Outside the house a light, sleeting rain was falling. Kagome screwed her eyes shut against it as she stepped out from beneath the awning. Still sitting hunched below the eaves, Kanako stared after her. Kagome could feel it, the galling intensity of that stare. “Kagome-sama…” “Don’t you dare speak to me after what you’ve done,”