In the garden of the brothel house, the sakura trees were in full bloom. From the pleasant shade of her patio, Sumire gazed out. A soft smile graced her lips as she smoked from her slender little pipe. Watching the breeze ripple through the crenellations of pink and white petals, she felt the blossom of
Category: fanfic
A Gilded Cage (Explicit)
She was taking down her hair when he entered the room. Combs and pins lay scattered about her on the table, on the floor. More than one of these he had given her—smoky dark sapphires dripping strands of diamond tears, blue-grey spinels wreathed in silver, to match the shade and luster of her eyes. It
Lessons Learned
“Well, Saitou-kun,” Kouseki asked, eyeing him nervously, “what do you think?” Saitou glared across the table where the broken instrument had been laid. Seated opposite him, Kouseki paled further. His pearl-white complexion became almost translucent with apprehension. Saitou could see the thrum of his pulse in his slender throat, the bright anxious gleam in his
Redemption Road (Explicit)
From across the long hall, Hirokin met Kagome’s baleful eye. In the most perverse turn of events, the frigid stalemate between them had broken. The brief glance they shared was edged as ever, but a simmering heat now underscored it instead of the frost from before. It seemed she could not forget any more than
Bridging the Divide (Explicit)
On the eve of the omiai, Himamori was in hysterics. Not only had she refused to dress for the occasion, she’d refused to leave her silken bed altogether. When the harried servants had tried to cajole her to the purpose, she’d shrilled at them and started hurling things. This was when Hirokin had been forced
MDZS Series: Everyday Song of Hanguang and Yiling, Part 26
Part 26 – The Cut-Sleeve Conundrum Now it was Wei Wuxian’s turn to blink in surprise. “You—you do?!” Nie Huaisang nodded. “Since when?!” “Since always,” Nie Huaisang replied, looking abashed. “I’m surprised you didn’t know. We were quite close as boys. Not that I…toward you, that is, I never…” “I know, I know!” Wei Wuxian
Mothers and Fathers
From the valley floor, Inukimi gazed up, toward the spot in the sheer rock face where Touga’s severed fang had once speared the usurper Ryuukotsusei through. For centuries, the Inu no Taishou’s power had pinned him there in stalemate. Interred beneath stony scales and petrified flesh, Ryuukotsusei’s malevolence had been sealed safely away. How many
SessKag Shorts: Fireworks
“Like this, Kagome-chan?” Kagome glanced down from the set of sparklers she’d been about to light. Beside her Rin stood, trailing her own lit sparkler in a hesitant line before her. Warmly, the miko smiled. “Yep, just like that, Rin-chan. If you make different motions, you can also see different shapes. Try drawing a circle.”
MDZS Series: Everyday Song of Hanguang and Yiling, Part 25
Part 25 – The Color of Love What was probably the highest point in Nie Huaisang’s sparring career was undoubtedly Wei Wuxian’s lowest. Though the sect leader’s parries were sloppy at best, his golden core lent his spirit saber unnatural strength. It wasn’t long before Wei Wuxian was winded and trembling like a leaf, driven
The Original Outline of Control XD
WARNING: Spoilers ahead!! (Kind of? XD)