Kagome sighed. Such a silly memory to revisit. It felt trivial to her now, to think back on those times. It seemed almost like another life to her. Almost like a dream. She remembered Inuyasha’s reaction when she’d returned to camp that day, after the spider incident. “Oi, where’ve you been?” he demanded, bounding over
Category: fanfic
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 55
Kagome’s head fell back against the tree behind her. Glaring up at the steely skies, she tried her best to shut Sesshoumaru out of her mind. She was still stewing somewhat when she finally detached herself and resumed her trek toward home. Her run-in with him aside, it had felt good to her, making this
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 54
Around midday they reached Yoichiro’s home, a quaint little cabin tucked away in the wooded hills. A dusting of snow glittered on the ground here, giving the place a fairytale feel as they climbed the porch steps to the door. “Yoichiro!” his mother cried, hastening over to him the moment they entered the cozy space.
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 53
Together, Kagome and Yoichiro set out for the forested ridge that lay to the north of Edo village. A swift icy creek ran through the pass, sheer and deep at the mouth, making a direct approach from the south too treacherous. Fortunately, Yoichiro knew a shortcut to where the ground leveled out that she didn’t.
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 52
Scowling, Kagome hefted herself up and trudged to the door. If this was old Hatsumi again, worrying over that rash on his elbow she’d told him repeatedly was nothing… Steam was practically pouring out of her ears as she seized the reed curtain and ripped it aside. The words, For the last time, it’s not
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 51
The chill of winter returned with sudden vengeance. One last bitter hurrah, it seemed, before yielding the mantle to spring. Trapped inside for the majority of the day, Kagome was going stir-crazy enough before Inuyasha burst through the door and dropped a literal bombshell on her. The dead, bloody boar had scarcely crashed to the
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 50
For days afterward, Sesshoumaru’s cryptic response left Kagome feeling distinctly unsettled. The only silver lining to it all was that Inuyasha’s petty blinders toward his elder brother were more firmly set than ever. This would’ve given Kagome some much-needed space to breathe—if in his gloating Inuyasha wasn’t clinging to her incessantly, escorting her wherever she
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 49
What marriage? The ladle slipped in Kagome’s bloodless hold. “Why? Why would Sesshoumaru say such a thing?” There was no keeping the quaver from her voice. When Inuyasha’s glare snapped from his claws to her, her breath froze in her chest. “I didn’t know what to make of it back then,” he said lowly, rising
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 48
Inuyasha’s ears flattened. Next to him, Kagome paled. “Half-nephew then, you arrogant prick,” the hanyou grit out, as Sesshoumaru resumed his departure without another word. Scowling, Inuyasha turned back to her. “What an asshole.” Kagome swallowed slightly, recovering. Only her own hand was pressed to her belly now. At the tractor beam of enmity radiating
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 47
As the days grew lighter, Kagome only seemed to grow heavier. In body, in spirit. She felt tired all the time. Her back ached, her head ached. The smallest exertions left her feeling drained. At night she struggled to find a comfortable sleeping position and woke up feeling about as rested as she had when