It’s rather belated, but I’m excited to finally share the Control Soundtrack with y’all! This has been a long-standing tradition of mine after completing a fic. 🙂 With this one taking almost 4 years to finish, the original playlist had gotten way out of control (pun intended), so I spent some time paring it down
Category: fanfic
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 62
You must know that I love you. Kagome sighed, staring off into the distance. A gust of cool breeze fanned over her cheeks. The snows were finally melting, sloughing off the eaves of roofs and the branches of trees like old dead skins. The ground was patchy, dark where the drifts had frayed and shrunk
The Pact Bonus Scene: The Chase
From his vantage, Sesshoumaru watched as Kagome stole back into her hovel, swift and wary, as if some devil were nipping at her heels. What an earful she’d give him, he thought, were he to leap down from here and follow her inside. Or perhaps she might very well fall quiet for once. Regardless, she
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 61
When Sesshoumaru held out his hand to her, Kagome took it. As he helped her to her feet, he pulled her to him. His lips pressed to her brow. Into her tousled bangs he spoke. “You must know that I love you.” Kagome’s eyes flared wide as she gripped his arms. Her heart constricted, as
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 60
Kagome stirred awake. She blinked out at the gloom surrounding her, bewildered for a moment until the memories came rushing back in—the snowstorm, the cave, Sesshoumaru… Against her side, she felt the heady warmth of him ebbing through her still. Flushing, she pulled away from his chest and pushed herself to her feet. His fur
The Pact Bonus Scene: Weathering the Storm
As Kagome’s breathing grew even and deep, Sesshoumaru closed his eyes and listened to the storm winds rage. Less snow was falling now to dampen the din of it. Yet it was as nothing compared to the tempest within him. From this storm there was no shelter. No point in railing against it, either. His
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 59
Kagome stared after him, still reeling. Still throbbing. Around her, the natural darkness of the cave seemed almost light in comparison to the shadow of his presence. Collecting herself, she crawled over to her pack, dug out her old camp blanket. With it draped over her, she huddled to the cave wall, whispering reassurances to
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 58 (Explicit)
Kagome turned her face away. Warm breath fanned down the side of her neck. Sesshoumaru spoke her name, dark and furtive, as if it were a secret word known only to them. Her chest drew tight. She shook her head, closed her eyes. “Please, Sesshoumaru. Don’t do this.” “Look at me,” he said. Kagome turned.
SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 57
“Sesshoumaru,” Kagome whispered, her voice hoarse with relief. She wrapped her arms around his neck, buried her face in his silken collar. Tears squeezed from the seams of her shut eyes. When she opened them again, she thought that the blizzard had stopped and night had fallen. But as she adjusted to the dimness and