SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 104

This entry is part 104 of 184 in the series The Pact [Ongoing]

With Shin in arms, Inuyasha and Kagome hurried from their home. On the porch step they met the harried young man who had hailed them. He stood panting to catch his breath. “Miko-sama, I-Inuyasha-sama…” “What the hell’s going on?” Inuyasha barked at him. The young man started, then shook his head. “…You had better just

SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 99

This entry is part 99 of 184 in the series The Pact [Ongoing]

Kagome sat on a stump in the clearing, watching Shin dash about through the falling leaves. His gusts of youki sent them swirling in all directions—riotous confetti-bursts of crimson and gold. He darted and leapt, snapped and spun. At times he gathered enough ethereal steam beneath his paws to go briefly airborne, but even Kagome

SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 98

This entry is part 98 of 184 in the series The Pact [Ongoing]

Kagome stared down at where Inuyasha lay sprawled, too stunned at first to do anything else. He was out cold. Shin inched toward him, bristled and sniffing. Even when he nudged Inuyasha with his snowy crackling muzzle, even when his miasmic purple tongue licked Inuyasha full and fuming across the face, the hanyou barely stirred.