SessKag Series: Daily Transgressions, Part 45

This entry is part 45 of 119 in the series Daily Transgressions [Complete]

Kagome stirred, something hard poking her uncomfortably in the spine. Her first groggy thought was predictably dirty—then, she recognized the voice to which that prodding hardness was attached.

“Up, wench!”

Blue eyes flew open, alert with anger, a growl tearing from her lips as she turned, ripping the offending staff from Jakken’s pesky green hands and throwing it halfway across the clearing. The imp shrieked in outrage as he scampered after his precious nintoujou, Kagome sitting up sourly, her hair matted hotly to her cheek from using Entei’s warm belly as a pillow. As she peeled off her plastered locks, her gaze went unbidden to Sesshoumaru.

Truth be told, he looked every bit as surreally handsome in the daytime as he did at night—his silky clothes and burnished armor gleaming in the early light, his vivid markings standing out bright and crisp against his flawless marble skin. Not a muscle had twitched when the gods were carving out those chiseled features of his, that was for sure. Kagome’s stomach dropped even now as she remembered how cool and firm his lips had felt against her own—and how perfectly, generously sculpted the hidden parts of him were as well. The lingering soreness in her mouth and throat could attest to that.

So much for cooling things off, she snorted inwardly.

It was hard to pinpoint who was more to blame for that, but Kagome elected to pin it on him. Looking as sinfully hot as he did seemed borderline criminal, anyway. As she finally wrangled and tied back the upper half of her unruly tresses, Sesshoumaru ran a set of ivory claws absently through a lock of his own spun silver hair, his golden eyes slanting down at her piercingly.

Criminal, without a doubt, she decided, swallowing.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

Oh, she was ready, all right—but that wasn’t what he was really asking…

“Just a minute,” she replied instead, rifling through her pack for her toothbrush.

After her teeth were clean, she rinsed her mouth out with a bit of water from her canteen and dug around a little deeper for her backpack’s zippered inner pocket. Opening it, she pulled out a circular case studded with a broken ring of little white pills. The ring was getting smaller and smaller with each day that went by, but Kagome tried not to dwell on it overly much as she popped out the next pill and drank it down with another swig.

Luckily, she’d gotten her prescription filled right before returning to Sengoku Jidai. She’d originally been on the pill for menstrual cramps, but given the rapidly escalating course of sexual activity in her life, she had a feeling she’d be needing the pill for its intended purpose soon. Conception between humans and demons was supposedly rare, but having personally met several half-demons, Kagome didn’t want to take any chances.

As she turned to slip the birth control dispenser back into her pack, she found Sesshoumaru standing right behind her, studying her intensely. Kagome started, two deft claws plucking the pills from her hand.

“What is this?” he said, giving the container a light, wary sniff.

“Medicine,” she answered evasively, “from back home.”

He looked at her levelly. “You shouldn’t eat this.”

To her horror, the pill cartridge began to disintegrate in his acidic claws.

“No!” she gasped, reaching for it in vain as he held it aloft. “What are you doing?!”

“Destroying it,” he replied simply, as though Kagome were mentally deficient.

“I can see that,” she said through gritted teeth. “But why?”

“It smelled like poison.”

“Well, it wasn’t,” she snapped as she dropped to a crouch, upending her pack and rooting  desperately through its spilled contents. “And I don’t appreciate you ‘destroying’ my things!”

With the nearest pharmacy five hundred years away on the other side of a dormant well, Kagome felt more than a little frantic. Lifting up a pair of cherry-patterned panties, she nearly cried in relief as a brand new cartridge of pills came into view.

“Thank Kami!” she said breathlessly, clutching the pill container to her chest.

Sesshoumaru eyed her critically. “Are you ill, miko?”

“No,” she said, still looking at the pills like she was holding a winning lottery ticket in her hands.

“Then why are you so concerned about this…medicine?” he demanded.

Kagome blushed. “Because…”

Glancing around, she saw that Jakken appeared to be loudly and completely absorbed in the task of saddling an uncooperative Ah-Un on the other side of the clearing. Pitching her voice lower just in case, she returned the pills to her yellow sack as she busied herself with repacking the rest of her belongings in feigned nonchalance.

”…Because it’s a contraceptive.”

Steeling herself, she hazarded a peek at Sesshoumaru as she stood, dusting off the knees of her hakama. He met her gaze stoically as ever—though just for a second, she thought she detected a subtle, contemplative shift in his demeanor.

“We should depart,” he said to her at last, turning on a booted heel.

Shouldering her pack in similar contemplation, Kagome followed after him.

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

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8 thoughts on “SessKag Series: Daily Transgressions, Part 45

  1. Awww he ran claws through his hair…That move is pure seductive! Why is he so damn perfect!!

    The last few chapters are hot and steamy. Jealous Sess is the best 😉  Part 42 reminds me of Abaddon (final part), and once again, i’m intrigued to find how different these two universe are. Things are so different when Kagome is willing haha

    Sesshoumaru is delaying the fulfillment of their bargain, like their last trade, I think he is afraid to accept what his subconcious already know.

    His eyes were gold when he said Kagome would never belong to another. Did it mean he wasn’t driven by lust to say that? He may as well say she will always belong to him.

    The scene of them talking about birth control cracks me up. I don’t know Sesshoumaru is relieved (since he won’t need to worry about hanyou childs and you know, the “i won’t become my father” misgiving) or annoyed about it.

    Thank you so much for the great updates. Daily updates is a HUGE challenge. Oh Char, i don’t know how you even manage that. I’ve been under the stress of work overload again. Someday all i wanna do is lying down on my bed and doing nothing. Your updates save my day. <3

    1. Doris! <3 thank you so, so much!!

      I couldn't resist the claws thru the hair move of his after Junot shared a clip of it from the anime! He really is too damn perfect..ugh! 🙂

      Soooo glad you liked the last few steamy updates!! 😉 I, too, am a big fan of jealous Sess haha. And I couldn't agree more about the parallel between that scene & the one in Abaddon – the willingness is all the difference!

      Very much enjoyed, as always, reading your take on the developing situation between Kagome & Sess! <3 & glad you found the birth control scene funny haha

      thank you so much again for taking the time out of your busy day to write such an incredible review! i'm so sorry to hear that you have been under so much stress at work 🙁 i hope that things get better for you soon <3

  2. Aaahh protecting his miko from that Birth control pills, this scenario made me laugh and when kagome spilled it out what’s the medicine for… Though idk what kagome have seen in Sesshoumaru’s eyes if it means he’s feeling somewhat relieved or kinda confuse? Thank you for update!

    1. yayy! glad you found that birth control pills scene funny (i was giggling out loud to myself like a crazy person as i wrote it lol!)

      love your insights into what Kagome saw in Sesshoumaru’s eyes! thanks so much for sharing <3

      1. Thanks, I just thought that Sesshoumaru just seem though, didn’t see through about other matters, or just dismissed the thought because it’s not that important as long as he can get his pleasure as well as enjoy it!
        Btw, I forgot to mention that Sesshoumaru running his hand through his silver tresses was enough to explode my ovaries.😈

  3. I think it just fueled the inner porn theater in Sesshomaru’s mind. The fact she is on the pill
    means no unwanted hanyous will derail the quest. It also gives free reign for our couple to explore, ahem, each other.

    Sesshomaru already finds it hard to accept that he desperately wants a human, let alone a miko. I doubt if he is thinking about kids and mating at this point.

    The demon wants to bed the human as often as possible and he wants to kick Naraku’s ass too.

    1. LOL @ “inner porn theater” – oh my god i love it!! 😀

      as usual, you raise some great points!! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, Doug! <3

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