Bane of Blood: La Gorgona, Part 34

This entry is part 34 of 42 in the series La Gorgona [Ongoing]

It was quieter and less crowded up on this second floor, if only by a little. Taking a quick look around, Fernando gestured to Tito and Pepe.

“Go find us a table. I’ll get us some drinks.”

Nodding to him, the two took off. Shed of them for the moment, Fernando made his way over to the bar. As he did, he scoped out the scene.

There was a small group of girl friends dancing together. It was the usual type of such a grouping—one very good-looking girl who was the center of attention of the cluster, surrounded by her much plainer hangers-on. Human shields to keep the leering opportunists at bay. It was this homely entourage Fernando had in his sights, but the beautiful girl saw him looking toward her anyway. He caught her eye for a beat, then continued on toward the bar.

Tito and Pepe had managed to grab a circular booth near the back. They sat there together looking like two lumps. As they glanced around for Fernando, he veered out of their line of sight. Leaning against the far side of the bar counter, he ordered drinks for the plain girls he’d seen. Tipping the waitress, he pointed out Tito and Pepe.

“Tell those girls when you give them the drinks that the compliments are from those two, not me.”

Slipping the cash into her bustier with a red-nailed hand, the pretty waitress flashed him a smile. “You’re a nice guy, looking out for your friends.”

Dryly, Fernando said, “I’m doing this for me as much as them.”

The waitress’s smile faltered a little. Batting her lashes at him anyway, she flounced off to do as he’d asked. Over the rim of his own drink, Fernando watched to see what would happen.

The waitress delivered the drinks and messages to the plain girls, pointing out Tito and Pepe as she did so. Some of the girls looked politely flattered, others unimpressed. The heftiest girl and two others continued to titter among themselves as the waitress departed. Fernando saw them darting a few glances toward Pepe and Tito, mustering up their collective nerve it seemed, before leaving the dancefloor to go and approach them.

The two guys were flustered, bewildered at this unexpected development—but only for a moment. A muddled sort of comprehension dawned on Tito. He smoothed his wrinkle of surprise over as slickly as the sheen on his oily skin. Elbowing Pepe, he made room for the girls, who squeezed into the booth alongside them. For the big one it was truly a squeeze.

As Fernando continued to watch and drink, he saw Tito getting on well with the big girl. Each seemed quite taken with the idea of someone being taken with them for a change. They smiled and laughed together, flirting less and less furtively as they got hammered on luladas.

Pepe wasn’t faring as well in his plight. Unable to hold the interest of the other two girls in the booth, he’d been pushed to one side, as other guys came over to chat them up in his stead.

Fernando was mulling over how to rectify this when he felt a tap to his shoulder, accompanied by a drift of floral scent.


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2 thoughts on “Bane of Blood: La Gorgona, Part 34

  1. Elbowing Pepe, he made room for the girls, who squeezed into the booth alongside them. For the big one it was truly a squeeze.


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