Inspired by y’all’s feedback, I’ve put together some genealogies for the main families featured in The Rebel Anthology series. Hirokin’s family in particular is already quite large and messy, so I think having the various relationships and ancestries diagrammed out will be a nice reference to have moving forward (for me as well lol!). For convenience, this post will be linked under the new Rebel Anthology Reading Guide category on the Fanfiction page (along with the Rebel Anthology Timeline).
SPOILER WARNING that these genealogies may contain spoilers for the Control universe up through the latest installment of The Rebel Anthology. Currently, this is Two Dragons – so if you’ve read that one, there shouldn’t be any surprises here 🙂 (*In the future, I’ll be sure to tag this post title with an update date. That way you’ll know the genealogies may contain spoilers for any RA stories published prior to that date.)
For now at least, there are many ‘unnamed’ characters in the genealogies. Maybe they’ll be named in the future, maybe not. The main reason why I included them was so that I could illustrate shared ancestry/relationships between the named characters. Horizontal lines between characters indicate a married/mated pair (dashed horizontal lines indicate a previous union). Vertical/slanted lines indicate direct descendants, either from a union of characters or from a single character, for simplicity’s sake. The name of the dragon bonded to a character is indicated in curly brackets below that character’s name.
So without further ado, here they are – Hirokin, Sesshoumaru and Kohaku’s genealogies 🙂 Please note that if you’re viewing these on a PC you can hover over them to zoom.
Hirokin’s Genealogy –
Sesshoumaru’s Genealogy –
Kohaku’s Genealogy –
Thank you for this!!
Sure thing! 🥰🥰
Thank you so much for creating this! Gives me another excuse to go back and re-read Control and RA!
Happy re-reading!! ❤❤