SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 181

This entry is part 181 of 182 in the series The Pact [Ongoing]

As Kaori went off to sweep the woods, Kagome glanced sidelong at Inuyasha. “So, you and Sango-chan got married, huh?”

Inuyasha scratched behind a silver ear, not quite looking at her. “Not right away or anything,” he muttered, flushing high on the bones of his cheeks again. “It wasn’t like that. She and the kids had rejoined their clan, and I was an outsider again. A trusted outsider, but still. It wasn’t like I could have just jumped in bed with her back then, even if I’d wanted to. And I didn’t. And she didn’t, either. I was still licking my wounds, and so was she.”

“Relax, Inuyasha,” Kagome said, laughing a little. “I’m happy for you. Both of you.” At his look of open suspicion, she put up her hands in appeal. “Really, I am.”

“Neither of us was lookin’ for it,” he grumbled, glancing away from her. “It just sort of happened.”

“Trust me,” Kagome said, with a twist of lip and a touch of rueful irony, “I can understand.”

Inuyasha cut his eyes back to her, hackles raised.

Kagome sighed. 

She wished he wouldn’t feel so defensive about it. When she’d left Edo, she’d hoped that things might end up this way. Not that she’d exactly set out to play matchmaker between her former husband and her best friend, but their compatibility had always been apparent to her. Inuyasha and Sango were both very pragmatic, salt-of-the-earth people. They saw the world the same way, and they saw themselves the same way. They put their roots down where they were and were content with with what they had. 

It was Kagome who was the oddball, the restless dreamer. 

But to point any of this out to Inuyasha would just make him double-down on his defensiveness even more. So Kagome decided to let it go. She was truly happy after all—happy for him, and happy to see him again, after so long apart.

“And you’re happy together,” she asked him softly, hopefully, “all of you?”

Inuyasha turned to face her, still uneasy, but much less tense. “It’s not the same,” he said frankly. “But yeah, we’re happy.”

Kagome smiled. “I’m glad.” Nodding in the direction of the woods, she said, “Kaori-chan is quite the character. It’s sweet how she calls you papa.” 

“Yeah, well,” Inuyasha said, rubbing at his nose, “she knows I’m not her real dad. But I’m the only one she’s ever known. The other three kids, they remember Miroku a little.” As tears stung in Kagome’s eyes, Inuyasha frowned, uncomfortable. “It’s just how it is.”

“I know,” Kagome said thickly, sniffing a little. “It just hurts still, sometimes.”

“I know,” he echoed gruffly. Crossing his arms at the chest, he glanced around them, his amber eyes narrowing. “So, where is he?”

“At sword practice,” Kagome answered, crooking a smile again as she wiped at her eyes. “He got together a posse of other kids and managed to bully one of the local veterans here into training them how to—”

“Not Shin,” Inuyasha said brusquely, turning back to her. “Sesshoumaru.”

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

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14 thoughts on “SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 181

  1. I wonder if InuYasha is going to get involved in the search for Sesshoumaru somehow. Maybe not with Kagome but somehow? Whatever this entity is that has Sesshoumaru must be insanely powerful.

  2. Hope somebody looks for Sesshoumaru. Long time waiting for Kagome. You know If Sesshoumaru did mark her it’s not like he could have another mate and hopefully he doesn’t have a bunch of other women hanging around.

  3. Cmon Kagome and Inuyasha, put your thinking caps on and work together to find Sesshomaru 😭😭😭 I miss Kagome with him terribly.

    Going to be rereading this fic from the start soon, as I tend to do every few months. I love it sooo much even now, after all this time. More so now honestly.

    Thank you for the update Char ❤️❤️

  4. Inu thought they were with Sesshoumaru this entire time 😬 He didn’t know they’ve been wandering through the feudal era like stray cats.

    …maybe that’s a good thing?🫣 If he’d known they were still looking for Sesshoumaru earlier he might have gone after Kagome and Shin to protect them, despite their issues. Then he wouldn’t have married Sango.

    Anyway I foresee an “I told you so” in the future 😭 Bracing myself for the upbraiding that Inu’s about to give her if she tells him. A nasty mother-in-law like Jakken is MORE THAN ENOUGH.

  5. sess is still in need of rescue. our sesskag family is still in shambles but i’m glad at least that things have looked up for inuyasha. earlier in the story i was for sure SURE it wasn’t gonna end well for him but against all odds, he made it out! thank his supernatural pain tolerance 😭

  6. Kagome is still the same crybaby after seven years, but I love her 🥰

    Something VERY FISHY is in the air but my sleuthing skills are underleveled 😫 Kagome’s dream in the hut, Shin’s sudden bite pain, the presence on the road, and now Inuyasha’s come all the way to this village after years of no contact?? Some gears are shifting in the shadows.

  7. I don’t think it’s Inuyasha who did it but maybe Sess is in a similar place inside the Black Pearl, somewhere in the netherworld? It would explain why Inuyasha couldn’t track him down seven years ago, but then again Sess could mask his scent and his youki so I doubt Inuyasha could track him regardless? Dammit, Sess. When being too good at concealing yourself is a detriment.

  8. Good question, Inuyasha…. we’re still working on it 😭

    Sess’ petrified state might be his way of conserving energy so that he could blast himself free one day, though I doubt it would’ve taken this long for him to recharge. Something or someone must be keeping him sealed.

  9. Sess and Kagome are both oddballs, so it’s a match made in heaven 😅

    Assuming they have quarter demon children, I wonder where Inuyasha and Sango’s descendants end up in the future taijiya clan? They must be a pretty powerful bunch to have come from the Inu no Taishou’s bloodline.

  10. They’ve all come so far 🥹 Inuyasha and Rin merged into the taijiya clan. Shippo’s with the kitsune school, probably on his way to attain more powerful tails. I guess from the outside looking in it would seem that Kagome’s the only one left adrift, but this Shikon Miko’s thriving with her son! I love the fact that she’s so steadfast and full of hope on this journey to find her mate.

    Hang in there, Sess. You’re not alone down there 😭 Not just Kagome and Shin but Jakken and other devoted followers are probably looking for him too.

    … And while it feels ludicrous to think of it if it were ANYBODY ELSE, Inuyasha’s pain tolerance is indeed extreme. I could see him joining the search if Kagome told him (if only to give oniichan a mighty big beating).

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