SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 180

This entry is part 180 of 184 in the series The Pact [Ongoing]

Kagome told herself what she’d sensed on the road was only in her head. Shin hadn’t seemed to detect anything out of the ordinary. Her imagination had simply gotten the better of her, that was all.

But later on when she was in the hut alone, getting ready to make lunch, her senses alerted again to an unexpected presence—this time unmistakable.

The empty kettle fell back to the tabletop with a clatter. Heart in her throat, Kagome crossed the short distance to the door curtain. With trembling fingers, she pushed it aside.

Out in the yard there he was, as if it were only yesterday. His silver hair listed in the crisp spring breeze. His eyes glowed golden in the light of the noonday sun.

Seven years hadn’t aged him at all. He looked exactly the same as she remembered. When their eyes met, she saw in his mirrored gaze that so, too, did she.

“Inuyasha,” Kagome said, wandering out onto the porch.

Inuyasha nodded back to her, his hands folded together in his sleeves. He wasn’t exactly frowning, but he wasn’t quite smiling, either. He looked thoughtful, almost pensive, as he regarded her from the foot of the steps. Now there was a look she hadn’t seen from him before. 

As she was wondering at this change in him, the curtain of his silver hair parted. A pair of keen violet eyes peeped out at her from the cover of its shadow.

Kagome smiled at Inuyasha. “You’ve brought a friend along, I see.”

“Keh,” he scoffed, turning his head to the side. 

As his silver hair swished back into place, a cute little girl swung down from the back of his shoulder, landing nimble as a cat on the green grass beside him. With her high ponytail and her black taijiya garb, she looked very much like a miniature Sango. But her eyes were Miroku’s alone.

“You must be Kaori-chan,” Kagome said, smiling down at her. “My name’s Kagome. I’m—”

“I know who you are,” the little girl said, a glint of challenge sparking in her violet eyes. “You’re the Shikon Miko, my papa’s old wife who ran away.”

Kagome’s smile twitched. “Ah…”

Hey,” Inuyasha said sternly, flushing, but Kaori glared on undeterred.

Taking hold of him by the sleeve of his fire-rat haori, she said to Kagome, “He’s married to my mama now. You can’t have him back.”

Before Inuyasha could reprimand her again, Kagome put up a pacifying hand. She walked down the porch steps to where the little girl stood, and bent to meet her eye to eye.

“Your mama’s very dear to me,” Kagome said, adding warmly, “and you remind me very much of her.”

Kaori’s wariness melted away. She beamed up at Kagome with pride.

“I’m going to be an elite youkai taijiya, just like her. I’m the best fighter in my class. When I’m older, I’ll battle toe-to-toe against the wickedest demons in the land.”

“We’ll see about that,” Inuyasha muttered.

“Papa wants me to be a miko instead,” Kaori put in matter-of-factly, “because he says that it’s safer.”

As Kagome arched a brow at this, Inuyasha’s ears went flat. “That’s not exactly how I put it. And what’s so wrong with me wanting to keep you off the front lines when there’s no good reason for a reiki-wielder like you to be there?”

From the stubborn set of Kaori’s lower lip, Kagome had the feeling Inuyasha was going to be in for a struggle with this one.

Squinting off toward the wilderness behind the house, Kaori said, “I should go sweep those woods for threats.” She took a step toward the trees, then paused, turning back to Inuyasha with a sweet little smile, “All right, Papa?”

Inuyasha sighed, relenting. “All right, kiddo. Have at it.”

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

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17 thoughts on “SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 180

  1. Ngl, you had me real bad at the first half hahaha. I thought that it was some kind of manifestation of Sessh! 😲

    Inuyasha is (pretends to be shocked) married to Sango now? 😲 Wow time sure flies. He’s gonna talk to Shin? I can’t wait to knoooww😭

    Fantastic update!!!!!! Thank you for sharing it with us 🙂

  2. *face plants into the floor InuYasha SIT style*

    InuYasha married to Sango 😭

    InuYasha really went from being one step father to another. I simply cannot. It’s just soo interesting that this is all normal, but back to the story 🤣

  3. You and me for a second there lmaooo!! Awww I knew Sango and Inuyasha were going to end up together! Little K is so cute, she’s all Sango in spirit, that’s for sure!

    I wonder what Inuyasha’s doing so far from home? 👀 And and and I wonder if we’re going to have a Kag Sango meet up! Maybe a little Inutachi adventure is on the horizon?

  4. I mean we all saw inuyasha marrying Sango from a mile away, lol
    Inuyasha may have not physically cheated, but he emotionally did, I believe, he was always so hung up on Sango.
    Thanks for the update

  5. Wow…looks like Sango was waiting to jump. I thinking Sesshoumaru has waited to long to be apart of his sons life. Wonder why Inuyasha showed his face now? Well at least he has a ready made family now.

  6. Ohh I wonder if Inuyasha married her in the youkai way? Could Sango have survived to the modern era too? 👀 It’d be great if she did.

  7. Oh look, it’s Shin’s future wifey and mate🥹. Honestly I love how everything’s coming together… now we just need Sesh and Kagome’s happy ending too 🤭


    I don’t think he’s Kagome’s mysterious stalker, but the fact that Shin couldn’t sense them DEFINITELY means they’re a high-level demon. I get it from all that’s happened… but Kagome should still learn to trust herself more 🥹 She’s the greatest shard detector in the land. When have her spiritual senses ever been wrong?

    Inuyasha had connected with Kaori from the moment she was born. Aw 🥰 They are meant to be father and daughter.

    And there’s a potential that Sess is already a grandpa from Rin and Kohaku’s marriage. It’s been seven years after all 😍

  9. “I’m going to be an elite youkai taijiya, just like her. I’m the best fighter in my class. When I’m older, I’ll battle toe-to-toe against the wickedest demons in the land.”

    Kaori wants to be Hokage 🤣 Shin wants to be Batman. Dream big, kids 💕

  10. kaori spilled her whole life story to kagome 2 seconds after meeting her. she’s like me fr.

  11. Both of Touga’s sons gained human daughters and human wives. Talk about surpassing the father 😂

    I thought Inuyasha and Shin might’ve still kept in touch all these years but apparently not. Makes sense though since Inuyasha left for the taijiya village with Sango and they wouldn’t have had any reason to cross paths. Now I’m looking forward to this nephew-uncle/ex-dad reunion. Complicated feelings all around! The important thing is that Shin remains cute!!

  12. Is it weird that Kaori reminds me of Kagome? 😂

    It makes me wonder about the little jade princess we saw in the side story. I hope we get to meet her one day ❣️

  13. From an ordinary village gal’s standpoint I’d say Sango’s one lucky widow to have nabbed herself a strapping young husband who looks like he’s barely of age to be conscripted into the lord’s venerable armies 🤭

    Best of all he’s great with kids. Of course his stepdaughter would be possessive over him 🤣

  14. I knew it couldn’t be who I thought it was but I still got excited and hopeful 😅

    It’s nerve-wracking to wonder why Inu came this far to look for her. Would he have a clue to find Sess? Receiving his help on this would be so awkward though huhu. Maybe he’s just here to see Shin again.

  15. May Inuyasha have many more babies with Sango and finally get his big, happy family 🥰 📿 🌸

    I for one am devotedly holding out for the SessKag family’s happily ever after. We got a glimpse of their beautiful fairy princess in the future so I’ll never give up!!! 🏹🌙💕

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