SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 166

This entry is part 166 of 184 in the series The Pact [Ongoing]

Kagome returned home with Shin, to Sengoku Jidai.

She’d barely stepped one foot across the threshold of the hut when Inuyasha caught her to him and hugged her tight. As he did, Kagome realized then how nervous he’d been—nervous that now that she was free to live in the Modern Era, she wouldn’t come back.

“You shouldn’t have been so worried, Inuyasha,” she said, frowning up at him. “I wouldn’t have left you like that.”

The words ‘like that’ rung in her ears. But Inuyasha hadn’t seemed to hear them as she had.

“Worried?” he scoffed, stuffing his clawed hands into his sleeves. “Who’s worried? And who’s leaving who? I already decided I’d give you one more day before I came sniffing after you.”

Kagome didn’t say anything. She didn’t need to. They both understood that her leaving him had nothing to do with her physical location.

Not really.

Not when it came down to it.

Scratching behind his ear, he asked, “So, how’d it go? Nobody bothered you, right?”

“No,” Kagome said, setting Shin down on the floor, where he morphed into his hanyou form and began digging at one of his black pointed ears with a toe-claw. “No, it was…good.”

Inuyasha squinted at her. “Why’d you pause?”

Kagome sighed.

While Shin climbed up Inuyasha’s pants leg and started crawling over him, she told him about finding her long-last father again, so unexpectedly and at random. About learning that Mr. Higurashi, too, was a ‘reiki-wielder,’ as he put it, and had fallen in love with a modern-day taijiya woman named Reiko. About how he’d left Kagome and her family behind for this reason—in order to live with Reiko, in their ghost-hunting world.

As Shin settled on his shoulder, Inuyasha’s ears dipped. “Huh, so that’s where you get your blue eyes from.” Kagome blinked in confusion, having said nothing about that before she realized—beast speak. “Well, what do you make of all that?”

“I don’t know,” Kagome said, shaking her head. “It’s a lot to take in. What do you think?”

He shrugged. “It ain’t for me to say—I never knew the guy. And I never knew my dad, either. So there’s no point in me sayin’ anything about any of it.” After a beat, he asked, “What’d your mom and Souta and gramps have to say?”

“Mama was happy for him, believe it or not,” Kagome mumbled. “Jii-chan was…well, he just kind of walked off, shaking his head like he couldn’t understand any of it. Souta was pretty hurt and angry at first—like I was. Then he got quiet about it. He made a strange face, and he said, ‘The only thing worse than him leaving us is thinking of him being here with us and being miserable.’”

“You don’t think so?”

“I think,” Kagome said, taking a long breath as she searched for the words, “I think there was no good thing to be done. I think there was only the bad and the worse.”

As Shin tugged on his forelock, Inuyasha glanced to him and nodded. “Yeah, Kagome. I know what you mean.”

She looked off toward the window, at the cloudy blue skies beyond. She thought that her life had not turned out like she’d ever imagined, and neither had she. Since her pact with Sesshoumaru, she had come to appreciate that she wasn’t qualified to judge anyone for anything. She was far from a perfect person, and so was everyone else—if they lived long and boldly enough to make mistakes, that was.

The world wasn’t the crisp black-and-white landscape she’d always thought. Everywhere there were shades of grey, and in everyone, too. Selflessness wasn’t always for the best. Too much blind compassion, either.

Where was the sane, healthy middle ground? And there, would she find peace and happiness, for herself and her son and his uncle, whom she still loved and always would?

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

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13 thoughts on “SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 166

  1. I looooove when I get a La Gorgona and a The Pact update all on the same day. You spoil me, Char!

    Ohhhh Kagome, those are some real thought-provoking questions you’re having. If only she knew about the future she witnessed with her very own eyes. 😛 PEACE IS COMING BABE

  2. I believe Sesshoumaru is either dead or you’re planning something very big, because a lot of things have happened and not a word from Sesshoumaru. Maybe, Inuyasha was right all long, Sesshoumaru cares for only his self. I’m still wondering where this is going to go with Kagome and Inuyasha? I’m still not sure how this is going to be a Sesshoumaru/Kagome fic and I sure hope this isn’t a threesome thing because I don’t see that in this fic. I’m glad you updated.

  3. Kagome, the middle ground here is an amicable separation. Just a suggestion 🤭😙 *whistles*

  4. Yes! Update! I can’t wait for sesshomaru to make an appearance. The suspense it killing me.

  5. Accidentally made myself sad imagining Inu crouched in steady vigil by the well, wondering if Kagome will ever choose him again now that he’s no longer her best or only option 🥲

  6. She’s internally referring to him as the uncle now. Slowly she’s slipping away from him, but at least now we know he’ll survive the break…. at least. 😔

  7. I’m very eager to know what this event will do for Kagome and where she’ll go from here. Her issue with marriage/family started from Mr. Higurashi’s abandonment after all.

  8. would inuyasha ever meet a father? 🤔 i suppose the closest he has to one was sesshoumaru… and he was frankly the worst 😅 traumatised bby inuyasha so bad he still talks about being dropped into a pit several hundred years later haha.

    kagome has yet to meet mother-in-law, but whew i honestly can’t predict how that will go.

    what do you even do when Mother is a literal queen and you are just a kagome

  9. Her trip to the modern era was short but it was a rollercoaster! I can’t believe it’s less than 10 Parts when we discovered her assault, then met her dad and got glimpses of her future. If Kagome’s kin are around in the modern era then now I’m even more convinced that Tachiyama’s death wasn’t natural hehehehe. Get wrecked by demon dogs with acid venom, SWINE.

    1. Oh yeah, then was Mr. Higurashi aware when his daughter made the news? I’d rather he wasn’t, because it would’ve made him more of an ass if he still never sought her out to make sure she was okay.

  10. It’s only a matter of time before InuYasha is forced to truly let Kagome go. I can tell he’s still holding onto Kagome in a way that is possessive and yet knowing she’s no longer the Kagome willing to fight for him like back in the day.

  11. I love how both Kagome and Inuyasha have grown from the pain. He’s stuck by her and is being supportive. Does it excuse his past behavior? No. Does it excuse hers? No. But I feel they are growing and learning even more about one another. I’m glad Kagome got some kind of closure in the modern world. This is such an intricate and unique story! I can’t wait to see where they go from here. Thanks 😊

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