SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 163

This entry is part 163 of 164 in the series The Pact [Ongoing]

“Since I left,” Kagome’s father answered, at last.

She nodded. 

“But I never betrayed your mother.”

Kagome turned her face away. He stepped toward her.

“That was why I left like I did,” he said, his expression torn. “Because when I fell in love with Reiko, there was no turning back. I thought I’d be doing you all a favor, giving you a clean break from me.”

“A clean break?” Kagome said, rounding upon him. “As if! There’s nothing clean about breaking up a marriage—a family! How could there be? Only a fool would think that!”

As soon as the words left her mouth, she bit down on her traitorous tongue. Mr. Higurashi looked at her in open remorse.

“I see that now. I’m sorry.”

“You’re sorry,” Kagome said, turning away with Shin in her agitation. “Souta wouldn’t even know you off the street. All these years you’ve been gone, I always imagined you’d left the country, or at least the region. But here you were, just a few train stops away.” 

As she shook her, he said, “We did roam around for a while. Never stopped roaming, really. We’re only back in town because Reiko’s dad got sick, and we’ve been helping out her brother at the shop since he passed.” Awkwardly, he said, “Reiko’d have loved to meet you, if she were here, but she’s off visiting her mother today. For the record, she always encouraged me to stay in touch with you. It’s not her fault that I didn’t.”

“Good to know,” Kagome bit out, her temper flaring. “So do you and her have kids, too? Do Souta and I have other family we don’t know about?”

“No,” Mr. Higurashi said, frowning. “Reiko and I never wanted children.”

A fresh look of guilt shadowed his face, and Kagome wished she hadn’t seen it. Even though she knew what he meant. Even though she understood. Then she looked down at Shin and couldn’t imagine her life without him.

“Would you like something to drink?” Mr. Higurashi asked. “Tea, or…?”

“I”m fine,” Kagome said, collapsing into a seat at the kitchen table anyway. In her lap, Shin stood with his tiny hands on her shoulders, studying her face as she glanced dully around them. “You live here.”

It was still so hard for her to believe. Mr. Higuarashi nodded, sitting down beside her.

“Your baby,” he said uncertainly, “what’s his name?”

“Shin,” Kagome said.

“Shin,” Mr. Higurashi said, smiling faintly. “That’s a good, strong name.” As Shin’s cool blue eye held his, he said, “It suits him.”

Kagome nodded briskly. “He takes after his father.”

“And he takes good care of you,” Mr. Higurashi asked, “your husband?”

Kagome stiffened, her eyes flashing to his. “Of course.”

Mr. Higurashi shrank back from her slightly, shaking his head. “I’m sorry, Kagome. I didn’t mean any offense.”

Kagome willed all her struck nerves to stop firing, to no avail. “Stop saying that. Please.”

“I’m sorry, what—”

“‘I’m sorry,’” Kagome snapped back at him. “Stop saying, ‘I”m sorry.’ Because it doesn’t do any good to say it. It doesn’t do anything but make me—m-make me so…” She broke off, placing her hand to the back of her mouth. “…Just stop.”

“Okay, I—” Mr. Higurashi touched a conciliating hand to her shoulder, catching himself just before he could say ‘I’m sorry’ again. “…Okay.”

With difficulty, Kagome relaxed her spine. She pressed a soothing kiss to Shin’s temple as he continued to peer closely at her father. Then with a shimmer, his head cocked doggishly to one side, and Mr. Higurashi recoiled from the table with a gasp—and a flicker of unconscious reiki.

“What—what’s wrong with him?”

“Nothing’s wrong with him!” Kagome said heatedly, hugging Shin close to her chest. “I know what you’re sensing, but it isn’t what you think. It’s just a long story, that’s all.”

“He isn’t entirely human,” Mr. Higurashi said wonderingly. “Is he? So the old man’s legends were true…”

Kagome glanced away. “Shin’s my son. That’s what matters.”

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

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10 thoughts on “SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 163

  1. Wow. Her dad has powers. Great chapter. I love the interaction. I wonder if she means Sesshomaru is her husband

  2. Papa Higurashi has spiritual powers. That’s amazing! These interactions she’s having with her father are tense but have somewhat wholesome moments. I love it 🥰

    1. Well, can’t say I like Kagome’s dad, a little too weird. He’s one of those I’ll make you believe I really did it for you but down deep it was done for himself. I guess he’s really just a P O S father! She was better off without him, both of them are! Still wondering what is going on with Sesshoumaru, is he still alive??

  3. Her dad having spiritual powers is actually SOOO cool. I love how much she takes after him 🤩

    Also, I’d totally give this a *like* but for some reason the like button’s missing for me? Refreshed a few times as well. 😩

  4. 😂 Is Shin giving Papa H the Sesshoumaru Look™?

    Heh I don’t think he’s passing the spot check like Mama did 🤭😈

  5. “That was why I left like I did,” he said, his expression torn. “Because when I fell in love with Reiko, there was no turning back. I thought I’d be doing you all a favor, giving you a clean break from me.”

    Cowarddd. Shallow poopoo head. He made a Choice that served him the best, took the easy way out, and left his family to bear the brunt of his absence. Financially, emotionally, physically… leaving Mama Higurashi to raise two very young children on her family shrine while battling heartache and humiliation from her fellow neighbours.

    For love?? She probably ain’t that smart but maybe a few braincells in Reiko is aware that this shabby guy’s love will never be trustworthy, if this is his show of it 😤

    Looking back, Kagome and her dad are roped in nearly the same situation but the way they handled it is vastly different. One ran away. The other one stayed in a hellish cycle of repentance.

  6. Awkwardly, he said, “Reiko’d have loved to meet you, if she were here, but she’s off visiting her mother today. For the record, she always encouraged me to stay in touch with you. It’s not her fault that I didn’t.”

    Lol why would Kagome wanna meet that homewrecker, my dude? I dunno but if it were me, she’d be lucky I don’t bite and rip out a chunk of her ear if she’s close enough. Nobody messes with my mama.

  7. Does her DEMON husband take good care of her?

    *flashbacks from the waycastle all the way to chapter one*


  8. Her dad has reiki. I wonder if it’s the same signature as Shin’s blue reiki?🤔

    Man 😩 From Mr. Tachiyama, Hojo, and Mr. Higurashi, the human men in this world are limp noodles. No wonder Kagome doesn’t claim it here.

    But also I kinda love how even the modern people in IY accept the existence of youkai so easily. Like, “Oh, they’re actually real? Cool :)” and they just move on. I guess since youkai have lived among mortals for centuries, the stories passed down are abundant and each generation is just primed to receive them whenever.

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