The Cove: Part 1 (Teaser)

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series The Cove [Ongoing]

One of the locals had directed her to the spot—a secluded cove you had to hike through a dense swath of palm scrub to reach. Anika was sweating a little as she crested the last hill and broke past the line of the trees. Her thin tank top clung to her like a second skin. The damp hems of her jean shorts chafed her high on her toned, tanned thighs. Waving the last of the annoying midges away from her face, she smiled as she stepped out from the shade, onto the glittering white sands.

The beach was pristine, picture-perfect. A smooth crescent of moon-white powder, curving into waters of clear, sparkling aquamarine. Peering out, Anika could see through the jewel-like surface the dark lacework of coral reefs below. Prime snorkeling territory—which was just what she was after.

Anika kicked off her tennis shoes, pulled off her socks. After shucking off her shorts and peeling off her tank top, she crouched in the sand beside her backpack. The end of her long, blond braid tickled softly at her naked back. Rifling through her pack a bit, she dug out her snorkeling gear, along with her canteen. Golden flyaway curls blew across her eyes as she stood up and sipped, gazing out at the brilliant waves. As she drank, the salt-laden breeze cooled her off—almost a little too much. Her nipples tightened visibly under the skimpy fabric of her string bikini.

It wasn’t a practical swimsuit for snorkeling, or anything else. Anika wouldn’t have worn it if she’d had much other choice. With her island vacation drawing to a close, she was down to the dregs of her packed wardrobe. This bathing suit was one her exhibitionist best friend had given her. Anika didn’t like to wear things that barely covered her bits. Only knowing there wouldn’t be anyone else out here had convinced her to go with it. It was either that, or do the laundry she’d been putting off.

Squiggling her toes in the hot sugary sand, she set off for the water’s edge. The blue waves lapped gently at her feet, warm and inviting. Tugging on her flippers, Anika pulled her goggles down into place, popped in the mouthpiece of the snorkel and dove right into the waves.

Languidly, she swam along the water’s surface, gazing down at the sights below. The sea here was so calm and clear it was like looking through a window into some strange, alien world. The labyrinth of reefs teemed with life—festoons of vibrant corals and willowy anemones, bright-red scuttling shrimp, flashy striped fishes and gleaming schools of guppies. She saw more than one sleek, silvery shark patrolling. She even spied a giant, jade-green sea turtle sailing gracefully through the glimmering maze.

But it was a large tendril of ghostly, glowing blue that froze her in place.

She only glimpsed it for a second—before it slipped out of sight among the reefs. Something about that tendril had been so inexplicably bizarre it sent shivers along her spine. She had to wonder if her eyes had just been playing tricks on her. If she’d simply imagined it.

Shaking off the prickly sensation, Anika paddled on. But she was hopelessly distracted. Without even realizing it, her eyes kept darting around, straining for another glimpse of that strange, blue-tendrilled creature. She swam out a little deeper, still searching. Her heart pounded. She wasn’t quite sure if she was frightened or exhilarated—or both.


Original Publication Date: 1/10/24

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