Other IY ships I like

Got a question recently on KouKag and what other IY ships I’m interested in, so thought I’d make a post about it (thanks, catmechanic!). While SessKag has been my go-to ship for many years now, my very first IY fanfic ever was Frailty, a NarKag fic. I first published it back around 2009 on FF.net, under my old penname Taney, then deleted it and reposted it later as wonderbug 🙂

I have a thing for bad boys and rare pairs, so NarKag remains my second-favorite ship after SessKag. That said, I’ll ship Kagome with just about anybody (because she’s fierce, and I love her!). Funnily enough, one of the few IY ships I struggle to wrap my head around is InuKag XD (they just have such a bickering, juvenile, almost sibling-like dynamic to me), but then again, never say never. My InuKagSess fic Pack Privilege certainly has a healthy dose of standalone InuKag in it 😉

I’m not a big fan of crossovers, in general, but if I ever did write an IY crossover it would probably be IY x Naruto and feature a Kagome x Itachi pairing.

These days, it’s safe to say that most of my creative energy is going toward my original works, but I’ve got some IY future fic ideas rattling around in my brain that aren’t strictly SessKag. Here’s a short list of them to look out for, with the (tentative) titles and various Kagome pairings:

  • The Rebel Anthology (SessKag, Hirokin (OC) x Kagome, Sess x Kagome x Hirokin, Kohaku x Kagome, Kagome x ? – this is the sequel to Control)
  • House of the Damned (NarKagSess – this will be my next dark, psychosexual epic ❣)
  • Alpha Tactics (KouKagSess – one-shot, light & smutty)
  • The Chase* (InuKagSess – one-shot, sequel to Pack Privilege)
  • The Devil You Know (NarKag – one-shot, Modern Era darkfic)

*Will almost certainly change, since I used this title for one of my Pact side-stories 😉

Welp, that’s it for now! What are your favorite IY fics that aren’t SessKag? Would love to know! 💕 (and thanks for reccing ‘Savvy,’ bella! Love forthright, but haven’t read that one yet – will have to check it out!)

25 thoughts on “Other IY ships I like

  1. You’re welcome! ☺️ cannot wait for your next IY fics! But also your original works are top notch. Fernando my baby ❤️

    I absolutely love Kohaku/Kagome but only in the way you write them! 🤣 I was eating up their chapters in RA haha. I feel like Kohaku/Kagome and Sesskag are my top 2 for sure but I’ve also read Miroku/Kagome and Toga/Kagome and loved them as well.

    Hirome (Kagome/Hirokin) in RA (not Control 😃😅) is my endgame if I could choose it 😈 I woulda been cool with the threesome except I despise Sess here atm loool. But who knows. Maybe he’ll grow on me 🤷‍♀️

    Crossover ship— I think Kagome with Zuko from ATLA. They’d be so fiery together.

    1. “Crossover ship— I think Kagome with Zuko from ATLA. They’d be so fiery together.” – ahhh I totally agree!! I can so see it! Love Zuko so much <3

      Thanks so much for the love, bella!! So glad you've enjoyed my forays into other IY pairings & so thrilled you're enjoying my original stories as well! <3 <3

  2. Ooohh I love Savvy. KouKag fumble through a tropical island adventure with Sesshoumaru as the mastermind. It’s so cute🥰 Def recommend giving it a read 👉

    “I sing in the shower.”

    With a sigh, he grudgingly offered, “I sing to the moon.”

    “I used to be afraid of the dark when I was little,” Kagome confided.

    “I can see in the dark,” he replied in superior tones. Propping himself up on his elbow, he fixed her with a defensive glare. “Since you’re keen on sharing, tell me more about the whole human mating thing.”

    “Don’t worry! It’s impossible to accidentally marry someone,” she scoffed. “I mean… unless you were really drunk or something. I’ve heard of people waking up in Vegas…”

    Kouga’s tail had developed a switch. “If you can think of examples, then it’s not impossible! Damn it, woman… answer the question!”

    With a moody huff, she said, “You’re safe, okay? Human marriage involves a ceremony, vows, rings, and… erm… you know.”

    “Sex?” he asked bluntly.

    “Yes, that,” she confirmed with a blush.

    “Not so different then… a verbal claim followed by a physical claim,” he translated aloud. With a broad smirk, he lay back down and folded his hands behind his head. “Easy enough to avoid.”

  3. I’ve been really into Gojo Satoru/Kagome fics by AutumnBanks on ao3 lately. How To Tame A Sorcerer is a good build-up story for that ship. Who knew IY x Jujutsu Kaisen would fit so well?

    I also like KouKag and Inu no Taishou/Kagome, but whenever I read stories outside of Sesskag I always end up missing Sesshoumaru XD I am weak.

    1. Ahahah I know what you mean! But yes, now that you mention it, I’ve read some Inutaishou/Kag fics that have been gooood (long time ago, though, can’t remember the fic names now… ;_;)

      I’ve been itching to check out Jujutsu Kaisen!! Keep seeing it popping up everywhere and have been experiencing some major FOMO lol

      Thanks for sharing, friend!! <3 <3

      1. Could it be a story by Ruby Silverstone?👀 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11044129/1/DEFCON

        This and Stranger than Fiction are unfinished but Inupapa’s characterization is *chef’s kiss*

        “I’ve been itching to check out Jujutsu Kaisen!! Keep seeing it popping up everywhere and have been experiencing some major FOMO lol”
        You should!! If not for the plot then for the villain-coded hot heroes. Or Sukuna 🤭💕

        1. It wasn’t the story I was thinking of, but I’m digging this premise! Thanks so much for sharing, friend <3

  4. You KNOW I would absolutely loveeee to read a Kouga/Kag piece by you! And, I remember reading your Nar/Kag fics a while back, and really liked them too. Would love to read a NarKag modern setting one, I don’t think I’ve ever read one?

    I’m also a shameless Kagome slut and I ship her with pretty much everyone. I like seeing how authors write her relationships with other people, and I just like her as a character. Shes probably one of, if not my favorite, anime/manga characters!

    I love reading your fics, Char!

    1. “Would love to read a NarKag modern setting one, I don’t think I’ve ever read one?” – ahhh I just spent like 20 mins trying to track down one on FF.net that I used to love so much, but I think it’s been removed… ;;_;; It was a nice angsty little one-shot. Oh well, if I come across it again, I’ll do a post on it because it’s great!

      “I’m also a shameless Kagome slut and I ship her with pretty much everyone. ” – hahaha you and me both, mim!

      Thanks so much for the love! Right back at ya <3 <3

  5. As a SessKag superfan I would only occasionally dip my toes into KouKag, but if it’s yours, I would EAT IT UP!

    As a monsterfucker though, I sometimes fantasize about Kagome being bred by a lovecraftian tentacle monster or gangbanged by a pack of inuyoukai with no specific ship in mind. She’s just so versatile 😂

  6. I adore your previous NarKag works and would love to read more. My favourite ship outside of IY is tomione, so yeah, dark psychosexual stories are my jam. 🖤

    I haven’t read much KouKag, but certainly intrigued to see your take on it.

    1. “My favourite ship outside of IY is tomione” – um ok yes…so this is like one of my fav ships of all time ❣❣ god damn I love Tom Riddle (and Hermione too, of course!! She’s my girl!)

      Thanks so much for sharing, friend! So glad you enjoy NarKag as well! I can’t wait to dip my toes back into that ship <3 <3

      1. Ahhhh, Tom is such a delightful bastard! 🖤

        Are you following “wolfer” and/or “Blood & Gold” at the moment?

  7. I just read the entirety of Frailty! It was so great – it’s actually inspiring me to check out more Naraku x Kagome stories! 😈

    The bad boy allure had me in a chokehold in your story – very impressive, especially since it was your first IY fanfic.

    1. Ahh thanks so much, Topaz Gold! So glad you enjoyed Frailty!! It’ll always have a special place in my heart <3 I still love the concept behind it so much! Something in me craves a redemption arc for Naraku (but then again, I also enjoy him being plain bad XD)

      Thanks again! <3 <3

  8. Thank you for answering! And thanks for mentioning Savvy, bellamyblake! Love me a salty sea wolf 🐺🌊

    I’m keeping my eyes mighty peeled for those future fics!! Especially Alpha Tactics 👁️ 👁️

    1. “Love me a salty sea wolf 🐺🌊” – ay ay! XD

      Thanks, friend! Happy reading!! <3 <3

  9. I feel the same way about InuKag lol. With all of the layers to the characters, Rumiko-Sensei had a chance to deviate from the typical love pairings but instead she kind of forced Sesshomaru with Rin (ew) and tried to make InuKag work in one of the most toxic relationships I’ve seen in anime lol(Ichigo and Orihime/Rukia and Renji might be the greatest fumble). Usually, you can tell which characters will end up together but with how Inuyasha was willing to go to the depths of hell (literally) for Kikyo, leaving the group at the drop of hat any time she was near and how he left all of them during the band of seven arc, I didn’t see it for him and Kagome long-term. Then you consider that Sesshomaru has saved Kagome so many times…kinda makes more sense to go SesshKag lmao

    1. “Usually, you can tell which characters will end up together but with how Inuyasha was willing to go to the depths of hell (literally) for Kikyo, leaving the group at the drop of hat any time she was near and how he left all of them during the band of seven arc, I didn’t see it for him and Kagome long-term.” – Yeahh that’s for sure another major bone I have to pick with InuKag. Inuyasha’s past with Kikyo and the fact that he’s still hung up on her in the canon just always makes me think that Kagome is his consolation prize :/

      Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!! <3

  10. I like crossovers but only if SessKag is still the main pairing yknow? 😂 Like SessKag in Middle Earth, SessKag in the Witcherverse, SessKag in Westeros etc

    God I wish I could see them beat up elves in Middle Earth like they’re on a dimension hopping date night.

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