SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 158

This entry is part 158 of 164 in the series The Pact [Ongoing]

Even a day later, as Kagome touched down on the other side of the Bone-Eater’s Well, she still couldn’t believe it—

She was no longer an outlaw in her own time.

With Shin loping along at her side, she crossed over from the shrine to the house and tumbled into her mother’s waiting arms. Tearfully, they laughed and embraced. Mrs. Higurashi was every bit as giddy with joy as her daughter was at this fortuitous turn of events. Although what Kagome had done in stealing medicine for Rin was very much a crime, her mother had always stood by her side in the matter. 

Even now Kagome teared afresh as she recalled her mother’s words to her on that night, some five years past, when Kagome had returned home with the harrowing shock of what had just happened still wracking through her, still shadowed across her anguished face. Her mother had comforted her and reassured her. She’d taken her by the hand, and she had said, “Sometimes the heart knows better than the mind.”

Kagome closed her eyes now, remembering. Hot tears spilled down her cheeks. She drew back as Mrs. Higurashi did, dabbing at her eyes with her apron hem as she beamed a misty smile.

“Oh, Kagome. I can hardly believe it, I’m so happy.”

“But how, Mama?” Kagome asked, as her mother led her inside into the cool of the kitchen with Shin toddling in after. “How could the charges against me be dropped, just like that?”

Her mother explained that her case had gotten swept up in a legal housecleaning of sorts, a political move to bolster crime stats ahead of the upcoming elections. An old school friend who worked in the court system had phoned last week to tell Mrs. Higurashi the news, suspecting her ‘missing’ daughter to have always been just on the lam.

“Lack of living plaintiff factored into dismissing your case,” Mrs. Higurashi said. “Tachiyama-san passed away a year ago—I don’t know if Inuyasha mentioned it to you.”

Kagome shook her head, her heart going cold at the name. “He didn’t.”

“Well, it didn’t change your prospects, at the time. So he probably didn’t wish to upset you for no reason. But now…” Her mother bowed her head. “Of course, I would never wish for such a thing to come to pass, but since it has…”

As her mother trailed off, a steely part of Kagome’s heart didn’t share her mother’s better sentiments. She didn’t mind so much that Tachiyama-san was dead.

The next morning, for the first time in half a decade, Kagome strolled down the streets of Tokyo without a care. Wheeling Shin before her, she paused unconsciously before a foreclosed local drugstore that looked like it had been abandoned for years, not months. She lifted her eyes to the busted neon sign which read dully, ‘Tachiyama Pharmacy.’

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

As you may have sensed, we’re winding down, but we’ve still got some chapters left to go! Just want to tell you guys thank you so much for joining me on this journey! I really appreciate the love and support as I’m penning these final chapters <3 Always bittersweet ending a years-long adventure like this 🙂

Hope you enjoy the rest of the story!

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17 thoughts on “SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 158

  1. Awwww, it really is bittersweet seeing this come to a close. The Pact has been my favorite fic since I first read it. Honestly once it’s finished, I’m going to re-read it again hahaha. I’m eagerly awaiting the end of this story–as usual, I have no idea how you’ll end it–but I TRUST YOU CHAR <3

  2. Wow, is Sesshoumaru going to come back? I mean where has he been? Really we’re that close to the end? I just so look forward to reading these updates.

  3. It’s getting close to the end already 😩 I can’t believe it. So many memories with these updates. I’m preparing myself for some bombshell chapters 😂

  4. I been on the story so heavy I really don’t want it to end this is very bittersweet 😫

  5. It’s been an amazing journey 😊💕 Every week I look forward to gettting The Pact updates pinging in my email. And the waycastle scenes, oh my!!! I remember being so in love with them that I was floating on cloud nine as it went on. I’m gonna keep on reading them forever and ever 💕❤️💕

  6. Kagome’s finally getting closure on this part of her life <3 I love that things are gradually easing up for her now after bottling up so much misery and guilt and grief. May it keep on keeping on!

    Thank you for such an amazing story, char. I can't believe we're close to the end. I just KNOW that the chapters after this are gonna be epic and I'm all strapped in for the ride 🩷💕

  7. 🙁 im kinda disappointed that this story is about to end. it actually felt like you were just getting started since now the cat is out of the bag and inuyasha knows that kagome has cheated and no more secrets. now kagome can be with sesshoumaru. there is more i want to say but i guess i would be overstepping my boundaries. i cant make an author end it the way i would like to see it ended xD. because so far it its looking like sesshoumaru is gone for good and lost interest especially since kagome told rin to be with who she wants to be but since she chose kohaku thats a death sentence for rin. she will die a human’s death and not live long. meanwhile kagome stuck with no husband and its just her and her child.

  8. Wow. Is finishing… I do wish for Kagome to be happy for Sesshomaru. Like they should have that happy ending. But so should Inuyasha.

    I wish for more of Kagome and Sesshomaru’s relationship. But I’m glad with how the story has been. I’m always excited to read it.
    Thank you!!!

  9. We’re nearing journey’s end 🥺Next we’ll be journeying to the West? 🫣 I just miss chichi. I wanna see him bond with Shin and Kagome again 😭😭

    1. Hi!

      It’s CRAZY that this is winding down! It has been such a roller coaster of a journey and I’ve loved every word!

      I have a feeling we haven’t seen the last of Sesshomaru either.

      I can’t wait to see what else you have in store for everyone.


  10. Tachiyama-san… did you meet the Perfect Assassin? 👀 I wouldn’t be surprised.

    As ever I have no idea where the story will go after this but I’m looking forward to it ❤️

  11. Kagome’s sacrifice saw Rin and Kohaku married five years later. It’s well worth it (and I’m still peeved that Sesshoumaru had the NERVE to accuse her of causing Rin’s future death after all that!).

    I’ll bet you one modern person apart from her family would be happy about this news, and that’s Hojou XD I can just imagine him looking Kagome straight in the eye, dismissing Shin as her new little brother or something, le shrug, and going “Hey since you’re not a criminal anymore my mom said we can date now. Wanna go out with me after you’re done babysitting? :)”

  12. methinks sess might have something to do with her case being dropped. from cardinal lord of the western lands to some supreme ruler in the shadows five centuries later, it’s possible~

  13. Love love love this story to bitsss you have no idea. Once you finish the main story I hope there’ll be a sequel because I wanna know so much about Kagome and Shin and Sess as a family 🙏🌹 THE power family tbvh. I wanna see them RULE THE WORLD! !

  14. I’m in love with your writing and I trust your storytelling, char XD Thanks for getting me hooked on this story – and on little Shin! He makes me smile, melt, coo and just wanna gobble him whole!

    By the way, char, what do you think of KouKag ship? Do you have any favorite stories/authors for that ship? Do you think you’d ever write a story for it? I’m sorry if the questions are too much I’m just suddenly very curious about your thoughts on Other/Kagome ships 🙈🙈🙈

    1. 1 more, XDDD what about crossover ships? If you were to ship Kagome with anyone outside of Inuyasha-verse?

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