SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 156

This entry is part 156 of 165 in the series The Pact [Ongoing]

There were no secrets anymore between Kagome and Inuyasha. But the lies were still there. They were everywhere, all the time. It was like the lies had multiplied, now that Inuyasha had been swallowed up in them.

Kagome felt guilty for this, too. Willing or not, he had become her accomplice in all this. She regretted that. She regretted that in order to stand by her side he had to bow to her deceptions.

She had to watch a little part of him wither and die each time that someone referred to Shin as his son.

Inuyasha loved Shin. Kagome knew that. Regardless of who his father was, Shin was Inuyasha’s kin, his own blood. More even than Kagome, Shin was his family. Apart from Sesshoumaru, his only family. Shin was precious to Inuyasha, but he was not his son.

What made things worse was that Shin seemed to know this. Whether because Inuyasha had communicated it to him, or simply because Shin sensed it, even long after Shin had first properly called her ‘Kaa-san,’ he had yet to call Inuyasha ‘father.’

What made things even worse was that Inuyasha didn’t bother to correct it. Shin would come toddling over, crying, “‘Yasha!” and Inuyasha would simply bend down and pick him up.

When Kagome expressed her distress over this, Inuyasha just shrugged. 

“It’s not that big of a deal. Remember when Komori was a baby? He used to call Miroku ‘Houshi-sama’ all the time.” Inuyasha cracked a grin. “That’s what Sango still called him when she was angry with him.”

“Yeah.” Kagome’s shoulders sagged. “But what about when Shin’s older? What then?”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” Inuyasha said, and so that was that.

But Kagome couldn’t quell her doubts and fears. Their whole lives now seemed built upon a tapestry of unraveling illusions.

“Inuyasha,” she confessed quietly one night, while they lay in bed together, “I’m so afraid.”

“Well, you shouldn’t be,” he said, taking her by the hand. “You know I’ll always protect you, don’t you?”

Kagome nodded, squeezing his fingers. He squeezed hers back. His touch was clawed and hard, but so good and familiar to her. Just like it had always been. Kagome’s heart gave a dull ache.

“You’re the one I’m afraid for,” she whispered.

Inuyasha snorted. “Well, you shouldn’t be.”

But she was. 

For him, she was worried to death.

Because this life of theirs was just the parody of a life. And it was all he’d ever known.

In the eyes of the world, theirs was a perfect family. No one knew. How could they even suspect? He was a proud demonic warrior. She was the sacred priestess who’d redeemed him. Together they had defeated a great evil, and in all likelihood, had saved the world. And Shin, part human and part demon, was the beautiful, beloved embodiment of their union.

Even those like Sango and Kaede, who’d known something of Inuyasha and Kagome’s past quarrels, now saw them dwelling at last in perfect peace together—

In happily ever after.

How does it feel, to get exactly what you wanted?

Kagome cradled her face in her hands and wept.

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

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21 thoughts on “SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 156

  1. “You’re the one I’m afraid for,” she whispered.”

    Because this life of theirs was just the parody of a life. And it was all he’d ever known.

    💔 That’s just heartbreaking.

  2. They’re both very stubborn🥺 It comes out of a need to protect each other, but the cost is that they’re both eroding from the inside out. If they don’t separate for a time then they won’t have the opportunity to build themselves back up.

    The issue with Inuyasha, though, is that he’s lonely and he doesn’t have anyone else. He needs her and Shin to keep afloat.

    The tension from their marriage is gone, but their situation hasn’t much improved from the past 😭

  3. She needs to end all the fakeness for the sake of everyone.
    I love seeing an update to this story

  4. Just put out with Kagome. Just wondering if Sesshoumaru is off doing what ever and with whom? He may just come back with another woman! What would Kagome do then? Would she be able to handle it? Thanks for the update. Really was waiting for an update.

    1. That’s what I’m waiting on, for sesshoumaru to show back up. i hope he ain’t with another woman. T_T i’m hoping that he just took some time to explain to rin how he feels about her leaving. but since sesshoumaru is gone for this long i think he has given up on kagome since he has been waiting years for her to tell inuyasha that she doesnt love inuyasha in an intimate way anymore and that she really wants to be with sesshoumaru.

  5. Hmm. If Kagome has an issue, should she not be correcting it and saying ‘Tou-san’ when Shin says ‘Yasha’ – just as she would automatically say ‘Kaa-san’ if he ever happened to say ‘Gome’. She should also be using that name Tou-san to refer to him, as babies copy what the parents are saying.

  6. It’s interesting the parralell you have drawn here of how Sesshomaru would force his intentions on Kagome, and she would reciprocate albeit unwillingly after being coerced. Meanwhile, Inuyasha is now on the other side of her affections, but all he’s doing is sending looks that she rejects – which should actually be admired, as he respects her boundaries not to push or pursue her in the way that Sesshomaru has. It’s just pitying to see Kagome in the stockholm syndrome situation.

    Tbh, the relationship with Sesshomaru is obviously about control and always has been.

  7. Oh no 😭 Inuyasha already got ‘You’re-Not-My-REAL-Dad’ -zoned by the baby. Probably doesn’t help that Shin keeps sending telepathic images of Sesshomaru too… he’s already mourning the loss of a son 😔💔

  8. I’m worried for him too 😢 There’s so many things left unsaid here, but he’s just moving along as if none of it matters. His shattered marriage, his quietly growing distance from Shin, the fact that he may also never have children of his own?


  9. Aw :’(

    This makes me sad for Sesshoumaru too. For a long time now he’s had to watch from a distance as Shin bonds with Inuyasha. He also deserves to spend time with Shin and hear baby call him papa for the first time 🥺

  10. ‘ What made things worse was that Shin seemed to know this. Whether because Inuyasha had communicated it to him, or simply because Shin sensed it, even long after Shin had first properly called her ‘Kaa-san,’ he had yet to call Inuyasha ‘father.’’

    i wonder if the reason inuyasha doesn’t say anything is because his demon side is instinctually averse to shin, no matter how much he loves him? i can only imagine that on a deeper level it’s like watching a lion cub of a trespassing male.

    it also seemed like he was ready to lunge at shin that time he almost lost control… 😬

  11. From an outside perspective it really does seem like her whole baby-making master plan worked out after all. Which just makes it sadder 🥲 Ain’t none of them want this (everyone wants Shin though!)

  12. Everyone is all sad and I’m just over here kind of relishing in Kagome’s suffering lol This was bound to happen and she was going to eventually have to face the consequences of her actions. Picture me on a beach drinking coconut juice smiling about Kagome’s tears. The universe is healing. But on a microscopic note, I do feel bad for Kagome.

  13. It seems that Kagome and Shin have both emotionally set themselves apart from Inuyasha in a way. In Shin’s case, I think it’s something Inuyasha decided for him–that he’s not Shin’s dad. He possibly might have made peace with it a long time ago if he knew about mating marks, what they entail, and why he felt so uneasy when Shin was a newborn. His demon side might have clocked that Shin wasn’t his since the get-go. That still left the question of W H Y he pretended not to know all this time.

    Kagome may think that they have no secrets anymore between them, but her judgement’s being clouded by guilt. He is CHOKED FULL OF SECRETS. This is only the tip of the iceberg.

  14. Huhuh I’m anxious. Sesshoumaru’s still gone and Inuyasha’s a ticking time bomb. We’re at a bleak point in this story and I really hope things will turn out better soon because this is making my tummy hurt.

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