The Wolf: Part 4 (Explicit)

This entry is part 4 of 7 in the series The Wolf [Complete]

With difficulty, Allie bit her tongue on all the questions she still burned to ask him. Human or not, she didn’t want to push her luck with him too far. She eased her sweatpants down her hips, tugged them off her legs. The wolf man’s eyes sharpened on the slip of thong between her thighs. Allie flushed, hoping the crotch of her panties didn’t look as damp as it felt.

Juicy,” he said, slicking his tongue over the glaring point of an incisor. Allie’s hopes were crushed. “Good enough to eat.”

She didn’t dally after that. Bending over, she took his huge, heavy cock in hand. It was swarthy with his strange dark blood, fired by it so that the hardened flesh radiated feral heat with every slow, unhurried throb. His pulse was more languid than a man’s—the deep, sedate cadence of a predator.

He was watching her intently, she could feel it. She thought he might goad her on, but he didn’t. The smooth, thick foreskin creased in her grasp, ridged with standing veins from below. She couldn’t quite fit her small hand around the heft of him. She despaired at the prospect of trying to fit him in her mouth. But there was nothing for it.

Drawing in a breath through her nose, Allie guided the broad, tapered cockhead into her mouth. His tip wasn’t spongy like a man’s, exactly—but it wasn’t quite as hard as the rest of him, either. Allie wouldn’t describe herself as a cock connoisseur by any means. Even in her wilder undergrad days, she’d only sampled a few here and there. But he tasted different to her, somehow. Distinctly earthy in a way that was difficult to define.

The sensation of him on her tongue wasn’t unpleasant, she had to admit. If anything, it was intriguing.

Her tongue flicked over him of its own accord. Light and experimental. She lapped at his slim opening, dipping just barely into its silky inner lining. The wolf-man growled, rearing. His spicy spurt of precum caught Allie by surprise. There was so much volume in the shot that she had to swallow it down to keep from choking. The wolf-man gave a gravelly laugh. A clawed hand caught in her hair at the nape, fisting there.

“You’re not bad at this,” he said huskily as he tugged her forward, urging her to take him deeper. “Keep going.”

Allie glared through the sheen of her tears. As if she had any choice.

In no time at all, he hit the back of her throat. Allie gagged, whimpered. But this just excited him further. Lustily, he thrust through her aching jaw. As he reamed out her throat, Allie’s bleared vision swam. It was all she could do not to pass out.

She breathed quick and shallow through her nose, on the verge of hyperventilating. Her windpipe smothered from within. Out of sheer desperation, she throat-fucked him back as best as she could, hoping that if she kept grazing him with her tongue and throttling him with her lips, he might come, and it would all be over.

From the way he was deep-throating her, she didn’t see how he could last. He was growling like a wild animal, ramming into her with heated abandon. But just when Allie thought he might be approaching the edge, he wrenched her back by the hair and pulled out of her altogether.

Allie’s hands flew to his hips as a fit of hacking coughs exploded from her abused throat, nearly making her retch. Mixed saliva and monstrous precum stringed from her lips, glazing his lower abs. Allie blinked her eyes furiously to clear them. She barely had a second to catch her breath before he was crushing her head back down toward his groin again.

“Lick my nuts,” he said, adding with a throaty chuckle, “like your little piggy life depends on it.”

It was the second time he’d called her ‘little piggy.’ Allie shouldn’t have cared. He was clearly a monstrous asshole, among other things. But at the insult some cord in her cinched tight.


Original Publication Date: 12/6/23

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