SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 152

This entry is part 152 of 165 in the series The Pact [Ongoing]

Heart pounding, Kagome glanced back down the hallway toward Shin, who was with her brother and grandpa in the den. Whether her son had detected Inuyasha’s arrival or not, it clearly wasn’t a concern to him. In wide-eyed amazement, he stood glued with his face about an inch from the glaring television, his little hands pressed flat to the screen.

Kagome turned back to Inuyasha. He had already left the house ahead of her through the open kitchen door. Her mother stood by it, gazing at her in concern. Kagome mustered a smile for her and followed Inuyasha outside, into the deepening twilight.

She found him standing beneath Goshinboku, gazing up at its green swaying branches. As she drew near, he turned toward her. His arms were crossed. His expression was still unreadable. Kagome paused a few paces from him, uncertain. She didn’t know where to begin. 

And so she was grateful when he finally looked her right in the eye and said, “I want you to tell me everything. Start from the beginning.” As Kagome’s lips parted, he bit out, “Everything—you understand me?”

Haltingly, she nodded. Inuyasha sat down on the stone bench, leaving one half conspicuously empty. Kagome walked over and joined him.

She started from the beginning, from the day she’d first approached Sesshoumaru about the pact. Mortifying and terrible as it was, she gave a faithful accounting of what had happened, after. She glossed over some of the more graphic details, though she would have told those too if Inuyasha had pressed her on it. He didn’t. A few times during her account, he got up from the bench and stalked around the twilit clearing, ears flat and fangs clenched. Once or twice he even gripped Tessaiga’s hilt in his claws. Kagome waited for him to cool off and sit back down. Then, she resumed.

She felt exhausted by the end of it. Winded, almost. Inuyasha looked exhausted, too. But mostly he looked bitter.

The silence drew out between them. There was only the chirping of the crickets in the shrine yard and the distant rumble of the city traffic. Kagome’s fingers clasped together in her lap, white-knuckled. She glanced at Inuyasha’s glaring profile. She didn’t know what she dreaded more: this silence of his, or what would happen when it finally broke.

“On some level, I knew,” he said grudgingly at last, like each word was pulling teeth. “I just didn’t want to believe it. I couldn’t believe it. Even if you’d told me back then, I wouldn’t have believed it. I thought I was fucking crazy, just for thinking it.” He looked off somewhere, squinting toward some far-flung stars she couldn’t see for the city lights. “Then Shin kept showing me these things that didn’t make any sense. Some mountain with youkai, and Sesshoumaru—always Sesshoumaru.” Inuyasha ground his fangs again. “I mean, he knows Sesshoumaru is kin to him. It’s instinct. But then that day when Sesshoumaru showed up at our place, pissed-off over Rin, he showed me something, too. I saw the way he looked at you, like he owned you, and that’s when I knew. I fucking knew.”

Kagome clutched a hand to her thudding breast. “Inuyasha…”

He turned toward her. “I don’t blame you, Kagome. I want you to know that. You were in over your head with him. You always were.”

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

Sorry for the delay in updates! Was traveling to see family and thought I’d have more time to post than I did 😅 Will be trying my best to make up for that 😉 💕

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35 thoughts on “SessKag Series: The Pact, Part 152

  1. Oh, I was pretty sure it wouldn’t be some all-out meltdown of a fight. Glad it went down that way, but I need moooooorre. I feel like they’re going to forgive each other, and whether that means they’ll try to make it work, time will tell. I want Kagome to be happy and for her to make sure everyone else is too. That’s all she’s ever wanted. But not everyone will come out of this unscarred. Part of me wants Sess to suffer a little as well. He hasn’t exactly gotten his way in this situation, but he hasn’t really been hurting. Now we just need another reunion in the works.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the scene, Tsuyoku!! Hope you enjoy where their conversation goes from here…! <3

    1. Lol yeah that’s why I try to post something here on the blog at least once a week, so y’all will know I’m still alive XD


  2. The way I rose from my bed like I rose from the grave at the update 😂😂

    Ooh I feel like something ain’t right with Inuyasha. He’s giving me calm, composed, and disassociate 🫥 I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  3. So I was kinda right? I always assumed inuyasha knew, the whole time but this chapter definitely cleared up my suspicions, I guess kinda? In an instinctual way he knew but didn’t want to rationalize it. But what surprised me in these last few interactions with inuyasha was his response. He never hurt Kagome physically and he handled the news with maturity. Typically in other stories that I’ve read they usually have him freak out and give in to his youki side resulting in him hurting Kagome; but I loved the way you handled his reaction. In a lot of Sesshoumaru x Kagome stories Inuyasha is automatically the villain or extremely unlikable. Don’t get me wrong he has been abusive towards Kagome, but also you can’t help but understand why he acts the way that he does due to abandonment issues, which is showing his insecurities.(doesn’t excuse his behavior)I love that you gave his character layers, showing just how much he loves Kagome, even when she betrayed him in one of the most devastating ways possible.

    All that to say everyone got issues nobody is in the right, but they are perfectly flawed individuals, even someone as ancient as Sesshoumaru 😝

    I look forward to the next chapter as always🩵🩵🩵

    1. “Typically in other stories that I’ve read they usually have him freak out and give in to his youki side resulting in him hurting Kagome; but I loved the way you handled his reaction. ” – thank you so much! It’s certainly a common trope in SessKag fics to villainize Inuyasha in order to remove him from the romantic equation, but in this story I wanted to take a different approach 🙂

      As you pointed out, these are all flawed individuals here, so clashes and fallout between them are in my mind realistic eventualities. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on the scene, Maya, & hope you enjoy the next installment! <3

  4. Ahhhhh I need so much more. I kind of hate he’s not blaming her, making it seem like Sesshomaru Is the manipulator, like they’re all to blame, so don’t take that away from her either. Everybody involved in the cheating is to blame.

    I wonder what else he’s going to say

    I do hope Kagome doesn’t go back with Inuyasha. She can’t plus she shouldn’t deny her feelings for Sesshomaru.

    I love this story.

    1. “Everybody involved in the cheating is to blame.” – agree 100%

      Thanks for sharing, Kathy! So glad to hear you’re loving the story!! <3

  5. You know if Kagome has mated Sesshoumaru I just can’t see how this is going to work for her and Inuyasha?? Sesshoumaru seems to be the really bad guy here by using Kagome just to get back at his hated half brother Inuyasha! I think it’s looking like he really doesn’t care about anything but getting even for having to go without Inuyasha’s sword. I think Kagome being in the future might be safer for her and her son. Inuyasha is too calm and I think this isn’t going to be pretty for Sesshoumaru . Maybe Inuyasha and Kagome should stay in the future and be a family away from all the danger. Kagome’s family could help them. I know this is really out there but it’s a way out provide Sesshoumaru doesn’t hunt them down. But why would he? His son is only half.

    1. Sesshoumaru’s silence and absence certainly raises a lot of questions…

      Thanks for sharing your take, Redwolf! Hope you enjoy the rest of the story <3

  6. yesssss char!!! gosh it’s crazy to see they’re FINALLY talking about it omggg i loved this update!

    1. Yeahh we’re finally at THE CONVERSATION hahaha! So glad you enjoyed the update, mim! <3

  7. That must be some hard Not Believing despite all the little context clues. His brain was practically operating on ‘Everything is Fine (:’ while things were catching fire.

    He’s always been good at pretending though, I’ll give him that

    1. “His brain was practically operating on ‘Everything is Fine (:’ while things were catching fire.” – lol yeah pretty much…!

      Thanks for sharing, Kova!! <3

  8. Damn, Shin a little snitch 🤣. I actually love Inuyasha’s reaction sm. He’s going to treat Kagome like the victim instead of the mastermind behind this whole thing—cuz it’s Kagome, and in his eyes, she can do no wrong when Sesshomaru’s involved. Serves you right, lord of the western lands. You shouldn’t have bailed on your wife and kid! 😋😜

    I literally checked for updates multiple times a day for weeks. You have no idea how happy I am you’ve updated I nearly screamed LMAO. Glad to hear everything’s good with you and you were just enjoying the summer ❤️. You fed us well today thank you xx (but like I’m still hungry if you have anything else prepared 👀)

    1. “Damn, Shin a little snitch 🤣” – haha yeah ratted out by the baby of all people XD

      So glad you’re enjoying Inuyasha’s reaction here, bella! And thank you for the well wishes! Summer time is a busy time – good but busy! 🙂

      More updates on the way soon 😉 <3

  9. Oh, Inuyasha 😭 I know he’s not by any means perfect but oh my heart! I feel for both really. Thank you for the update, love them every time!

    1. I feel for them too…all of them ;_;

      Thanks for sharing, Delys! Glad you’re enjoying the updates <3

  10. Back in chapter 150:
    Looking down at Shin, Mrs. Higurashi said softly, “Love takes us by surprise, doesn’t it?”
    Kagome smiled softly back. “I guess so.”
    Even Mrs. Higurashi knows Kagome loves Sesshoumaru and vice versa.

    Inuyasha not blaming Kagome is not a surprise due to the fact that his hatred towards his brother supersedes everything else. He states that she was always in over her head with Sesshoumaru but she was also always attracted to him well before she married Inuyasha. I am pretty sure she did not mention how she has confessed her love for Sesshoumaru several times and wants to be with him to Inuyasha. I was hoping that she actually was going to be completely honest with Inuyasha and say that she fell in love with Sesshoumaru in the process of all of this but she didn’t, she omitted that information. In addition Inuyasha never marked Kagome…why not? This could have never have happened if he marked her.

    Sesshoumaru and Shin has always had nonverbal communication and I remember in chapter 141 they had this exchange before he left:
    She saw his searing golden eyes fall to Shin. An unspoken exchange seemed to occur between them. Shin bristled, digging his black claws into the earth so that it cracked. Red youki crackled over his shaggy bulk. Sesshoumaru’s eyes closed. Youki swirled around him, condensing. Then the black haze cleared—and Sesshoumaru was gone.

    And again in chapter 136
    Sesshoumaru’s gaze travel to Shin, not out of concern, she noted, but out of consideration. Despite Shin being in his human form, a moment of unspoken understanding seemed to pass between them as they held one another’s eye, blue for gold. Father to son. Why Kagome sensed a spirit of camaraderie—commission, even—in that shared glance of theirs, she couldn’t say.

    Shin is extremely intelligent, he knows who his father is and he knows who his uncle is but he doesn’t let on that he knows. The fact that he was showing Inuyasha things I feel was a way to tell his uncle what has been going on. This could be of his own volition or at the request/order from Sesshoumaru. Just like how Kagome screamed out Sesshomaru in her dream which caused the catalyst for her to come to terms with everything that has been going on. Could be those eggs she used to eat when she was pregnant who knows.

    Do I think Sesshomaru has abandoned Kagome, absolutely not; is he angry yes. Again in previous chapters he has stated that he always knows where Inuyasha is and where she is, I highly doubt that he has not been keeping tabs on the both of them this whole time. In addition the mating mark….she still has it and he has not tried to remove it, she would feel the affects of that if he did. I am interested when he will make his appearance again. It is obvious that he probably communicates with Shin telepathically, maybe he is next to show up in the future. Thanks again Char excellent as always. 🙂

    1. Ahh love this in-depth analysis, Badtzmaru, and the passages you reference! You raise a lot of salient points and questions. There’s certainly plenty of room for speculation in Kagome’s ‘faithful accounting’ here 😉

      Also there’s a good deal of mystery surrounding Shin’s perspective on things and his interactions with Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha, which remain elusive to Kagome. Lots to read between the lines in this story, for sure 🙂

      Really enjoyed hearing your thoughts and theories! Thanks for the kind words & hope you continue to enjoy the story! <3

  11. Need to get Shin away from the modern world before he turns into one of those toddlers that are chronically stuck to the screen 😂

    I’m thinking Inuyasha’s caught up in one of his delulu’s again. He can’t be trusted to come up with ideas when he’s off on his own.

    1. “Need to get Shin away from the modern world before he turns into one of those toddlers that are chronically stuck to the screen 😂” – hahah yeah, that television is a trap XD

      Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, hanayome!! <3

  12. ah, there’s that big chip on his shoulder 😬 the one that genuinely believes sess wouldn’t be caught dead with a mortal

    he about to do something drastic

    1. We shall see…. 😉

      Thanks for sharing, rehizakki! Hope you enjoy the next chapter! <3

  13. This reaction from InuYasha was so unexpected. Then again, I doubt he would have hurt Kagome at her family’s home especially when she was being cooperative. His response to everything makes me think of three things.

    1. He realizes that Kagome isn’t his to keep anymore and there is no point in fighting over it. He just wanted the truth.

    2. He’s planning to confront Sesshoumaru about it and attempt to either really kill him or just fight to blow off some steam about how he’s a shitty brother always trying to take from him.

    3. He’s already mated some other woman out there or set his eyes and heart on someone else and he’s hiding it well which is why he’s been able to stay this calm about Kagome’s betrayal.

    1. Ah love hearing your thoughts on where things might go from here, Blackberry! With Inuyasha not flying off the handle, it certainly feels like the calm before the storm…

      Thanks so much for sharing & hope you enjoy the next part! <3

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