The Wolf: Part 3 (Explicit)

This entry is part 3 of 7 in the series The Wolf [Complete]

He gave the breast he was tracing a rough, indulgent squeeze. Allie groaned unbidden. When he scored the point of his nail over the pebbled peak of her nipple, she let out a high keening whine and tossed her head.

“Easy, little filly,” he crooned. “We’re just getting started.”

“Go to hell!”

Her breath hissed out of her when he pinched her. A moment later he soothed his hot wet tongue over her chafed and stinging flesh. The prick of his canines into the tender swell of her breast felt almost blissful by comparison. Sucking, rasping and nipping, he worked her over until her whole chest was flushed and aching and raw.

Allie panted, futilely thrashed. She’d never been molested like this in her life. It seemed to go on for an eternity. He clearly only cared about sating his own desires to taste and touch and otherwise possess her.

Even knowing this, she still couldn’t stop the arousal that steeped slow and steady between her legs at all this heated fondling. She could feel her own traitorous wetness drenching through the crotch of her panties, probably seeping through her sweatpants by now.

It was horrible how wet she was. Shameful. More humiliating and unbearable to her than the way he kept pawing at her chest. And he was—still cupping and twisting and scratching and licking at her without ceasing. Her back bowed at last in excruciating defeat.

“Please, stop it—please! I’ll do anything.”

Her captive nipple sprang free from his mouth with a sharp wet pop. “Anything, little piggy?” the wolf-man rasped against her chest. He rocked back on his heels. His light eyes flickered in mock consideration. “How about you suck my big bad cock?”

Wrists pinned, Allie glared up at him. She breathed hard through her nose. The last thing she wanted to do was suck this psycho’s dick. But what choice did she have? Between dick-sucking and getting eaten alive, it wasn’t all that hard of a decision to make. Besides, she thought narrowly, if she chose her timing right, a good hard bite might just—

“Don’t even think about it,” he said darkly, as if reading her mind. “Those blunt little teeth of yours won’t do anything but piss me off.”

Allie glowered. “…Okay.”

He loosened his hold on her so she could sit up. Balefully, she did. She still had half a mind to bite him anyway, consequences be damned. He smirked at her as he sat back on his hands, beckoning her toward his standing cock with a whistle that made her want to lunge for his throat.

Instead, Allie drew in a bracing breath and crawled over. Pale moonlight bled in through the window sheers, just enough light for her not to get lost in the dark. Reluctantly, she settled down between the sprawl of his lean tanned legs. As a biologist, she couldn’t help but be a bit fascinated by him, despite the circumstances. Even in this low light, she could see that his musculature was strange—roughly human, but more wiry and banded in an uncanny, wolfish way.

“Like what you see, girlie?”

Allie’s eyes snapped to his. Even his sneer was inhuman. Sharp-toothed and fiendishly steep in its furl.

“What are you?” she asked.

“You don’t get out much, do you? Ever seen any movies? Read any books? What does it look like I am, sweetheart?”

Allie clenched her jaw. She didn’t want to say it… It sounded too ridiculous, even in her head. She was a scientist, a rational person. But then, if she was observing this creature, she supposed she needed to revise her rational worldview to account for him—as she would for any other observable phenomenon.

“You’re a…werewolf,” she said thickly, almost a question. “You’re a man who turns into a wolf.”

“Part right, part wrong,” he said in a bored tone. “I’m not a man. I’m a different breed.” His too-bright eyes glinted wickedly. “Books and movies aren’t everything, princess. Your werewolf romances are real bean-flickers, I hear. But there’s fantasy and then there’s reality. Don’t think you can humanize me.” He gave his hips a lithe flex, making his jutting cock rare a bit higher. “Anyway, enough with the chit-chat. I’d put that yapping mouth of yours to better use if I were you. And take off those dumpy pants.”


Original Publication Date: 11/29/23

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